Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Automania 2012

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Another Automania weekend has come & gone. We attended the show on Friday night and took a pile of photos, then went out again on the Sunday Garage Tour and hit a couple of the sites. One of the more outstanding cars I saw on the Garage Tour was this ’72 Jaguar XKE in the Schulte Automotive/Executive Touch restoration shop. The restoration looked to be very near completion; some pieces were missing from the intake, but the paint and the interior were absolutely gorgeous.

Another notable car was this hand-built dwarf ’49 Mercury. I first saw it being driven through the crowd up 10th Street & turn onto Main Ave., probably trying to find a spot to park & display the rod. For an idea of its size, that’s a standard-size US license plate on the rear bumper, and that’s yours truly standing off to the side in the khaki shorts & black shirt; the roof was barely up to my beltline.

According to the placard on the car’s window, it uses a Toyota drivetrain. The guy who was in it was no dwarf, and it looked pretty snug inside. So very cool!

A great big steaming pile of generally unorganized photos after the jump… 140-some photos taken by two different cameras and three different photographers, just to provide a little more variety (and unfortunately a little redundancy as well.) I might end up labeling some of them, but don’t hold your breath waiting for that. Enjoy!