Archive for November, 2006

Norman The Barking Pig

Tuesday, November 14th, 2006

Bryce had a part in a dramatic production at school this month; Robert Fulghum’s, All I Needed To Know I Learned In Kindergarten. Bryce did a great job, in his parts… his solo performance of “Tomb With A View” was memorable; some guy visiting the gravesite he had purchased for himself, enjoying the view above while stretched out on his back. Grave-shopping is something I’ve considered from time to time. Not sure where I’d want to be buried or whether it matters. Just something to think about.

Tonight on the radio, Chuck Swindol was reciting the lines from one of the other skits in the play that was also memorable… I think the title was “Cinderella”. Anyway, I did a little googling, and came up with the story online. Not sure if it’s kosher to post it online or not, but I figure if it was already there and I give credit to Fulghum, we ought to be square. I’ll be happy to pay royalties for every cent I make from having it on my site! (more…)