Posts Tagged ‘chocolate’

De Ruijter Chocoladehagel Melk

Sunday, April 13th, 2008


This stuff is a true Dutch delicacy, and a rare one here in the States. I’d never heard of them before my introduction to Dutch ways after meeting my wife’s family. They look like the standard candy sprinkles you might find on a doughnut or a cake or whatever, but they certainly don’t taste the same. They’re called “hagelslag” or “muisjes”, the latter referring to their resemblance to little mice. To me they look more like mouse turds; that coupled with the way muisjes is pronounced (sounded like my-sheets to me) made me laugh out loud! Guess you had to be there.

The way to eat hagelslag is pretty straightforward; butter some toast, sprinkle it on & enjoy. Oh, one other thing; you’ve also got to lick the stragglers off your plate, Queen Beatrix has even approved this method.

We’re fortunate to have close relatives living in Holland, so we’re able to get resupplied semi-regularly. I haven’t found any local sources for buying hagelslag, but there are some online retailers that sell it.