Posts Tagged ‘cargo bikes’

Henry Workcycles

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

I thought sure I wrote a post about Henry Workcycles earlier, but I guess it was only on Gadgetopia.


Henry Workcycles creates bikes that are beyond unique and beyond cool, built to fit some very specific uses:

Hauling kids…

Hauling, um, stuff. Note the sturdy platform over the front wheel…

Hauling even more stuff…

Hauling a bible (this one is known as the “Preacher’s Bike”)

So many great looking machines made by these people… I’m sure there are a lot of other builders that make similar bikes in that part of the world, but Henry Workcycles has a great web presence (and in English too!) As neat as these bikes are, my knees combined with even the minor hills around here make them the stuff of daydreams for me. In the Netherlands however… a totally different story. There the terrain is much flatter, lending itself to large, heavy bikes carrying heavy loads. The hills around here aren’t enormous by any measure, but I still wouldn’t want to be pedaling a monster like that flatbed cargo bike up the hill to my house. My knees hurt just thinking about that.