Archive for the ‘Home Life’ Category

The Cicada Killer Wasp

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

For the last few summers we’ve had some scary looking bugs in our yard. Thankfully, they’re just scary looking, and nothing to really be afraid of, provided you’re not a cicada.

A female cicada killer wasp in flight, approaching a prospective nest site.

The lifecycle of the cicada killer wasp sounds like something out of a Ridley Scott movie… The female cicada killer wasp hunts down a cicada and stings it to paralyze it. When the cicada is safely immobilized, the wasp carries the cicada back to its burrow — a hole dug in loose soil. The cicada is placed in a dead-end chamber of the burrow; the female then lays a single egg (sometimes two) on the still paralyzed but very much alive cicada, and seals up the chamber. When the egg hatches, the larva gnaws through the exoskeleton of the cicada and feeds on its internal organs, saving the nervous system for last so as to maximize the length of time that the cicada remains alive. Gruesome, no?

The same female digging in the loose dirt for a new nest site.

The female cicada wasp killers are very large; up to 2 inches long. I’ve had them buzz by my head a few times and the sound is pretty unnerving if you’re not expecting it. The males are supposedly much smaller, but I can’t say that I’ve seen any.

Very scary looking, but very cool. It’s this kind of thing that makes me really question the theory of evolution. The evolution of physical body parts is only part of the equation; what about complex behaviors like this? So the larvae that just happened to leave the nervous system for last gained an evolutionary advantage over the others? And how did that “just happened” get passed on to the progeny of those lucky larvae? Nah; not buying it. I wouldn’t need to believe in an omnipotent, omniscient Creator to know that something like that doesn’t happen by chance.

God makes some cool stuff!

Compact Fluorescents Suck

Thursday, July 16th, 2009

I hate compact fluorescent light bulbs. I really do. I like the fact that they use less electricity than a standard incandescent bulb, but aside from that there is absolutely no up-side to using them.

We’ve got CFL’s installed in various places around the house, and I discovered one of them was out this morning. I went to replace it, and it had this brown gunk oozing from the base. When I first opened the fixture — an old recessed ceiling fixture that holds the bulb horizontally — I could see a drip of the brown at a seam in the base and some splatters on the inside of the fixture’s glass; great. When I unscrewed the bulb, the drip travelled around the base; wonderful.

Then once I got the bulb out of the fixture, I caught a whiff of the thing, and even now, more than an hour and two hand-washings later, I can still smell it. And I can feel a headache brewing too. It was most likely a failure of the starter circuit’s componentry, which in most cheaper bulbs is the weak link.

I still had one 23W CFL in the cabinet downstairs, so that’s what went in to replace it. It’s a higher-quality bulb than what it replaced (made by GE), but I’m pretty sure the dead one was supposed to last five years. I didn’t date it when it was installed, but I’m reasonably sure it was within the last two years. I marked the new one with today’s date, and I will be hanging onto the warranty card; it’s guaranteed to last five years, and by golly, if it gives out before then, they’ll hear from me.

Aside from the nastiness that comes from them when the electronics fails, you’ve got the mercury in them to deal with if the glass breaks. But I hate them most when they’re “working”; you flip a switch on, and the things take up to a minute to warm up & give full light. And that’s considered normal. I sure don’t think of it as normal. I flip a switch on & I want light now, not when the bulb gets around to it. And you can forget about using a

I think today’s will be the last CFL I install. To me, the leaking crap that comes out of them the disposal hazards and the operational goofiness and the crappy cool white light they give off make them completely not worth the bother. Unfortunately, our wonderful Congress passed a law a while back that sunsets the use of incandescent bulbs, so that may not be an option for much longer. Might start stockpiling now. That or look into LED’s, which may not be much better than CFL’s. Bother.

Countdown to Canaries!

Friday, May 15th, 2009

A while back (two years ago!) I wrote a blurb about our then-new pet, Pippin, a male canary. We’ve enjoyed Pippin and his singing ever since, but I somehow neglected to mention that we brought home a girlfriend for Pippin a year ago. Pippin was a birthday gift for Yvonne two years ago, then last year’s birthday brought Melody into the family.

Like Pippin, Melody is a color-bred bird, but has a little more yellow than orange, which is Pippin’s primary coloration. Female canaries don’t sing like the males do, it’s more just peeps, chirps and squawks, but Melody has plenty of character all her own. The two of them get along pretty well, but we keep them in separate cages most of the time, mainly because (being a male) Pippin always thinks it’s mating time. If they’re in the same cage, he’ll start in on a song, strutting about with his throat feathers all puffed out and his wings slightly extended. Next thing you know he’s flying all around the cage in hot pursuit of Melody, who is doing her best to keep ahead of him. He usually catches her and pins her to the floor for a little, umm, roughhousing. Melody isn’t very appreciative of those little sessions, and when it’s done will chase him off, wings spread out, beak wide open; “Don’t you mess with me, buddy!” So, yeah; we keep them separated, for Melody’s sake. But nothing seems to faze Pippin; he’s totally twitterpated, and dotes over Melody terribly. He tears up paper from under the cage floor and carries it around, trying to give it to her as a present. He actually shows more interest in the nest and fitting it for eggs than she does.

This spring was a little different though. For the first time since we brought her home, Melody started to show some interest in the nest cup & started filling it with torn up newspaper, yarn, paper toweling, and whatever else she could get up there. It seemed mostly like a game to her as she’d carry something to the cup and goof around trying to put it in. After she’d get a bunch of it in there she’d pull it all out and start again. Either she’s frustrated that she can’t get it just right, or maybe she’s just not very serious after all.

Then on Monday, there was an egg in there! I was a little concerned because there was hardly any nesting material in the cup — the egg was sitting on bare plastic. Yvonne put some extra fluffy stuff in the cage, and Melody managed to pack the cup pretty well, but the egg was still underneath all the stuffing and she wasn’t spending much time on the nest. I pulled the nest out, rearranged some of the stuffing and got the egg on top, but she still wouldn’t spend much time on it. I didn’t have much hope for that egg that day.

But then Tuesday morning brought another egg, as did Wednesday. And Thursday. So now she has four eggs in the nest and is sitting on it pretty steadily. She’ll get up to have a bite to eat and drink, and to have an occasional splash in the water dish, but it’s right back to the nest without any playing. She’s turning out to be a great Mom!

Since all this started, Pippin hasn’t quite been himself; he still dotes over Melody like the lovesick thing he’s been since she came into his life, but he doesn’t sing much. He spends a lot of time flitting around chirping, and is pretty good about feeding Melody so she can stay in the nest longer, which makes me think he knows the score and that he needs to pitch in.

So now it’s a waiting game; keep them fed and see what happens. The incubation period for canaries is about two weeks, so that sets the ETH (Estimated Time of Hatching) at about May 25… Can’t. Wait.

The Monkey Bars

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

How’s this for obscure… On one of the rare occasions I sat down & watched an old, old re-run of the original Knight Rider (starring David Hasselhoff and the talking early-’80’s Trans Am with the funky strobe light), I happened to spot a set of monkey bars identical to the ones we’ve got in the back yard! That is the only time I have ever seen another set like that. Ever.

Our set is a little more weather-worn than the one in the TV show, which isn’t surprising considering they’ve been sitting out in the weather for about 50 years. The bars were purchased by my parents and have been part of growing up since before I can remember. I recall hearing from someone that they were bought when my eldest sister was little, but I doubt that’s true, as that would make them 60 years old, and counting. When Mom & Dad moved from the house on Walts in 1977 I think the monkey bars went to Dick & Dawn’s house, where they stayed until Yvonne & I bought our house on Norton in 1991 or so. We’ve had them ever since, and they’ve been a fixture in our kids’ backyard playtime.

That’s Caleb, at about 18 months old, after having climbed to the top of the monkey bars. That horizontal bar near the top of his head is about 8 feet off the ground. Enough to make any mom a little nervous.

Yes, 50-plus years does a number on the paint covering the bars, and on the metal underneath. The leg ends get rustier every year, and two have broken loose. I’ve been planning to replace some metal and repaint the bars for years — I even went so far as to buy a few rattle-cans of Rustoleum for the job — but it’s the colors that have delayed me for these many years. The bars were originally painted red, yellow and green, but with the years of fading plus the coat of white paint that Dick applied over everything at some point, I’m just not sure which bar was painted what color.

And then I saw this show, Knight Rider, Season 1, Episode 6, broacast on RTN. My first thought was, “YES! I can finally nail down the colors and get it painted!” Problem was that the set was only seen in one short transition shot in the show, spanning maybe three seconds in the frame, and not very clear. I dug around online looking for the video without much luck. I finally tracked down a copy through Google Video last night; the video is actually hosted by a Japanese YouTube knock-off called, and even has Japanese subtitles! Too cool! (link)

But even after looking through the video frame by frame, the colors aren’t clear enough to make any solid determination. So I guess, to paint the thing accurately I’ll have to go back to my original plan to do some judicious sanding in obscure areas that have maybe been spared the fading effects of the sun & hopefully see what the original colors were. Maybe it’ll get done before it ends up as a heap of iron oxide bits in the grass. Maybe…

Digital TV In Sioux Falls

Monday, January 26th, 2009

I’m way too cheap to spend the $30-plus a month for cable or satellite TV services. Besides, the kids & I waste too much time watching TV with the dozen or so stations that are broadcast locally, so why would I want more choices? To waste more time? No thanks.

With the impending conversion to digital TV looming, I finally bit the bullet, applied for my rebate card, and bought the converter box. Thankfully, I had submitted my application some time ago and beat the rush that caused the shortage of rebates earlier this month. The money for the program is gone, so until they get more appropriated, it’s a waiting list.

But I got mine, and after buying the converter box a couple of weeks ago, I wasn’t in a hurry to set it up because according to the clueless salesguy at Best Buy, there were only one or two stations in Sioux Falls that were broadcasting digital anyway. Why bother if that’s all there was? So the converter sat on a shelf, still in the box…

Until last week, that is. I got a burr under my saddle & decided to try it out, and it actually works very, very nicely! Add to that the surprise of finding 10 stations broadcasting locally in the digital spectrum. The expected local stations are there — KELO (CBS), KSFY (ABC), KDLT (FOX), KDLT (NBC) & three PBS stations (your tax dollars at work) — plus a few others that I hadn’t expected. UTV is one (broadcast on a KELO subchannel), KWSD (CW & RTN), and two bonus PBS stations, PBS World & PBS Create. Not a lot more channel-wise that we got on analog, but it’s an improvement. When I first hooked it up, a couple of the stations had good signal but were broadcasting absolutely nothing, and a couple others had very weak signals; I rewired things a little so that the antenna feed was going directly to the DTV box, and that gives us solid signal on all 10, and they all work!

Another thing I hadn’t expected was the picture; much better than standard broadcast TV! Many of the channels broadcast in HD, and although ours definitely is not a high-definition TV, it does make a noticeable difference. And the functionality of the little set-top box is pretty incredible. I got the Insignia brand box, and the remote that comes with it can be programmed to turn the TV on & off and control the volume; it only controls the volume of the audio signal going to the TV, so it’s still necessary to tweak the volume on the TV from time to time, especially when using the DVD player. The really neat feature with this box and digital TV is you can push a button on the remote to get TV-Guide-type info on the fly. You can scroll through the channels without leaving the one you’re watching and see what’s on now and what’s coming up next. If you see something you like, push another button (just one) on the remote, and you’re there! So cool!

So all in all, things are looking good for digital TV in Sioux Falls. Many who are already using cable and or satellite TV with newer TV’s probably are thinking, , but for someone like me with a 6-7 year old TV, and is too cheap to buy cable, it’s a great thing. My kids even like it!

One last thing; found a nice listing of broadcast TV info for the Sioux Falls area at Not complete, but helpful.

Do I Have To Go To Work?

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

I was listening to some talk radio last night while running some errands, and Dr. Laura came on. Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a psychologist with a call-in radio show, and is known for her sometimes hard-to-swallow advice on the problem situations people call about. I don’t listen often these days — there was a basketball game on the station I usually listen to — but find it sometimes entertaining and always interesting.

The second call she took while I was listening was from a young single mom, looking for advice on a job choice she was facing; she is currently in school and working at a coffee shop, and had an opportunity at a different job. Her toddler daughter was in daycare while she worked and was in class, and the dad wasn’t in the picture. Dr. Laura didn’t even let her describe the two jobs; she was told in no uncertain terms that her place was at home with the kid, and if she needed to work it should be at night when her daughter is sleeping. Her job at this critical time in her daughter’s life was with her daughter, being the Mom, teaching her about life, having lunch with her, playing with her… Just being a mom. Period. End of discussion. Without that, the child grows up without a mom or dad and knows nothing but being shuffled from daycare to grandma’s to home or whatever, and that can lead to far worse difficulties later on. The poor girl on the phone could say nothing but, “OK” in a resigned tone, and you could just tell that she thought that plan was totally unreasonable. Dr. Laura was coming across as the parent that this girl perhaps never had, and was not going to let this old bitty tell her what to do.

I couldn’t agree more with Dr. Laura; that girl needed to be home with her kid as much as possible. It won’t be easy for her to do, and the messages she gets from society tell her that she needs to be working.

But as I listened to Dr. Laura’s rant, I couldn’t help but think of my own kids, and how much I’ve missed… Sure, we’ve worked hard to have one of us home with the kids as much as possible, but what I wouldn’t give to have been able to be home with the kids full-time, even if it were only a year or two.

I guess that’s the older, wiser, more mature Me talking; I don’t know if I would’ve gone for it ten years ago, even if Yvonne had suggested it. I know I suggested something like that a number of times; as a nurse, Yvonne’s job has always paid more per hour than any job I’ve had, so it wouldn’t have made any difference for us financially. I still give her a hard time on occasion, asking her why it’s always me working full-time… but she’s pretty insistent on wanting to be home for the kids and to be the ‘glue’ that holds the family together. I dunno; I think I could be pretty sticky too. And I think I might know my kids a little better.

Twenty-Three Below Zero

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Yes, that’s right; twenty-stinkin’-three degrees below zero, as evidenced by my trusty outside thermometer…


That’s the same as -30.55° Celsius. Brrr. But that seems balmy to Aberdeen’s low of -42° this morning.

According to the National Weather Service office in Sioux Falls, that’s the coldest it’s been since sometime in the mid 1990’s (didn’t catch the exact date) but it’s still not a record low. The record on this date in 1972 was -32°.

Even now, at almost noon, the temp has risen to only -13°, shooting for a ‘high’ of -1°. Can’t wait. But it’s supposed to be in the 20’s or 30’s by the weekend. We’ll be running around in shirtsleeves by then I’m sure.

Allergies Suck

Sunday, July 13th, 2008

I hate sunflowers. It’s not how they look; it’s what their seeds do to me because of my allergies that I hate.

no sunflowers

Avoiding sunflower seeds is fairly easy, but these days food manufacturers are putting sunflower oil in everything from coffee creamer to potato chips, and it’s getting harder & harder to avoid. I was at the grocery store last night and one of the items on the shopping list was chips; I was hard pressed to find anything that didn’t have sunflower oil in the ingredient list.

Sunflower oil can be found in places you would least expect it, even in prepackaged pudding cups! I bought a pack of Hunt’s SnackPack chocolate pudding cups a while back, thinking it’d be a cheap & easy snack, but got a nasty headache after eating one. Checked the ingredients, and sure enough — sunflower oil. Often the ingredient list will contain the phrase “one of the following…” and list two or three different kinds of vegetable oil; the further down the list sunflower oil shows, the better the chance that it’s ok for me to eat, but never guaranteed so I’ll still avoid that product.

Yes, I do a lot of ingredient list reading in the grocery store aisles, but I need to proceed very carefully when I don’t see the ingredient list. I can usually tell within a couple of bites whether a product has sunflower oil — or something else — in it, and I’m usually ok if I stop after a couple of bites. But when I can’t tell right away and I eat more than that, it’s only a matter of time before I can feel my eyelids get a little puffy and the headache sets in. That’s what sucks about sunflower seeds. And other food products.

I despise peanuts and peanut oil too; that’s another thing that I really have to watch out for… It used to be that I enjoyed eating all kinds of peanut products, and peanut butter was almost a staple food for me — there’s nothing like a peanut butter & jelly sandwich with a bowl of tomato soup on a cold day (better yet, grill that PBJ! Yum!) — but not any more.

I discovered my peanut allergy one year around Christmas… I stayed up late one night in Santa-mode, wrapping presents, watching TV and eating salted-in-the-shell peanuts (readily available at the grocery during the holidays.) The next day I was crabby as all get-out. I don’t recall having a headache, but I do remember that even the smallest thing just enraged me. After that I suspected the peanuts and experimented for the next few days, watching for similar symptoms; it was definitely peanuts. I don’t know how to fully explain the Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde reaction, and neither does my doctor, but it’s more than just a little scary. The littlest things will set me off and I can fly into an almost uncontrollable rage.

The last time I remember it happening was after eating a couple of Keebler chocolate chip cookies (where I didn’t read the ingredients); later that day I found myself getting incredibly worked up over stupid little things. Now that I’ve become better able to recognize the symptoms, I can catch it before it gets too bad — taking an antihistamine tablet and some ibuprofen helps immensely. But before I figured out what was going on, I was considering counseling for my anger problem, and I’m sure my wife would’ve been more than encouraging in that.

I’m ashamed to say that it’s those who are closest to me that saw the worst of this malady; I recall times when I would scream and shout at my kids for the stupidest things, punishing them harshly for things that would normally require just a word or two of reprimand. Now that the older two are nearly grown I need to sit down with them and try to explain this to them, and hope they can understand and forgive me. And I do need to ask their forgiveness, because my rages were nearly uncontrollable; the kids would see the worst in me when I knew no one else was around to witness it, and that is what shames me most.

Stupid allergies.

Eating out can be a real crapshoot at time; there’s really no telling what kind of oil they use in their fryers or on their grill or in their recipes. And it’s not just what I eat either… The Ace Hardware store near home always has a batch of popcorn popped near the door of the store, and anybody can get a bag for whatever donation you drop in the cup. Great tasting stuff, that. But eating that popcorn seemed to trigger allergy symptoms for me, and I found that just visiting the store would give me a headache, even when I didn’t eat the stuff. One day while waiting at the checkout, I noticed the bottle of oil someone was using when starting a new batch — peanut oil. That explained a lot.

They have since put up a pathetic little laser-printed sign saying that peanut oil is used for their popcorn, but that doesn’t really help me much because just being in the store can cause a reaction. A while back I bought a canvas tool bag at that store, and it still has a the distinct smell of that store on it, so I make sure I don’t keep the bag too close for too long.

Sometimes it feels like there’s really no safe place for me in this regard; even at work… Sunflower seeds — or “spits” as many call them — are a popular at-work snack food for a lot of people, and a very messy one at that. The eaters pop them in the mouth, suck the salt from the outside, use their teeth to crack open the shell, then pull the slobbery shell out of their mouth & throw it away. When doing that while using a computer, that sunflower oil-infested slobber gets on the keyboard & mouse. A large part of my job involves desktop computer support, and there are a few users whose computers I dread working on because an allergic reaction is almost guaranteed. Makes me want to go in with a rag and cleaning spray. Maybe rubber gloves and respirator would help too.

Allergies really suck.

And the strange part is that some people don’t even believe that allergies are real; they think that it’s psychosomatic. There was a Neatorama post a while back about a kid who is allergic to almost everything, and one of the comments on that post just floored me… The guy basically said that people with peanut allergies are faking it. I scolded him for that and he softened his stance a little, but there really does seem to be this undercurrent of people — people with no allergy problems — who hold the opinion that because they don’t remember hearing about allergies years ago, they are a hypochondriac’s imagined malady. If only that were the case.

I’m still waiting for that miracle medical potion that can alleviate all allergic reactions, but I don’t think it’s coming any time soon. At this point the best I can hope for is the new body that is promised to us when Christ returns. Come quickly!


Tuesday, April 24th, 2007

Meet the newest addition to the Thornton family; Pippin the Canary.


Yvonne had mentioned before that she’d like to have a pet finch or two, so for her birthday I bought her a bird cage & told her that she could pick out the bird. I suggested a canary (definitely my preference, but it was her birthday present after all!) but because of the cost I didn’t know if she’d go that direction or not. We spent quite some time in the pet store the Saturday after her birthday, Yvonne trying to decide whether to go with the finches or a canary, and finally settled on this guy. He’s more of an orange/white combination, but from what I’ve read their color can change after molting according to nutrients in their diet. Guess we’ll find out.

Pippin didn’t get a name for a about a week after he came home with us. He adjusted pretty well, and was entertaining us with his songs almost right away. At first we had his cage in the dining area, and he’d get quite loud with us right next to him. We just got a larger cage this past weekend, and moved him closer to a window. He seems much happier, as are we, with a little distance between us & him.

We also picked up a CD with canary songs on it. Playing that on the stereo is a sure way to get him to burst into song. He tends to be a bit on the quiet side unless the room is brightly lit; when the cage was in the kitchen he wouldn’t sing until the lights were on. In his new spot, he gets to see the sun come up, so he’s been singing bright & early.

It’s funny how a little critter like Pippin can have personality, but he certainly does. Yvonne & I both agree that he was a great addition to our home!

Meet Tessa!

Saturday, July 1st, 2006

We have a new member of the family; Tessa!


Tessa is a Springer Spaniel, and came to us yesterday, June 29th. She is about 4 years old, and is about as nice a dog as you could ask for. Her previous owner passed away in May, and Tessa had been staying with his daughter, Susan. She wasn’t able to keep Tessa, so posted an ad on Sioux Falls Freecycle. I read her post the morning it came out, and had a chance to mention it to Yvonne before I left for work. She thought it’d be worth a try, so I responded right away, giving my work number and our home phone number to call; Susan called Yvonne first, just to make sure getting a dog wasn’t all my idea. Smart move!
