Archive for the ‘About This Site’ Category

Why Is A Computer A Stupid Machine?

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008

I was browsing through some of the recent visitors to just now (as I am wont to do), and came across an interesting item. When a hit is registered from a search engine, Sitemeter also shows what the terms entered into the search field. This one was interesting:

(click on the image to see the whole report)

Although I’ve told others that a computer is nothing but a stupid machine and does only what it’s told, and I’ve sometimes wondered why a computer can’t be at least a little more intelligent, I can’t say I’ve ever thought to Google for an answer to it. No surprise though that the system at the other end was Windows XP and Internet Exploder; I’d expect the user has a big goose egg on his forehead from banging his head against the desk.

The best part though is he thought the answer could be found here. I’m gonna be grinning over that one for a while.

Pushing 2,000

Tuesday, June 10th, 2008


A mere six months ago, I wrote a post when my Sitemeter count had nearly reached 1,000 visitors. Now, the count has nearly reached the next milestone, 2,000 visits.

As I wrote last time, 2,000 hits isn’t much; many of the more popular sites will see traffic like that in an hour or less. The always excellent Lifehacker ranks number 8 in Sitemeter’s list of Top Visited Sites. I looked up their stats and they receive an average of 735,803 visits in a day; that translates to 30,658 every hour. Wow. In a way I hope I can someday hit numbers like that, but in many other ways, I’m very happy with my meager 11 visit daily average.

The site has changed a little since then; I applied a different CSS theme — Upstart Blogger Minim with a few tweaks here & there, added some Google Adsense addy’s to the left column (made a whopping $1.54 so far!)… But essentially the site is what it’s always been, just a random collection of stuff that I find interesting and take the time to write about. And I just think it’s kinda fun that others find some of the same things interesting, are able to find my little thread of the World Wide Web, and stop over, even for a short visit.

All in all, I’m pretty happy with Sitemeter’s performance. I’ve also got Google Analytics working on the site. And while Google does an ok job, Sitemeter is much more accessible; ie… no multi-click plus password routine to get to the summary of information. Also, there often seems to be some disparity between the stats produced by the two, and I’m not sure who is right. So I look most often at Sitemeter and sometimes at Google, but try not to overanalyze the difference in the numbers.

Sometimes I wonder if I obsess with the site stats too much. I’ll check them daily or so, just to see where the inbound clicks are coming from, and to see where some of the readers are located. Not surprisingly, most of the visits are from locations within the US, and many others from Europe. Not many visits from non-English speaking countries; again, no surprise there. The more popular pages are a bit more surprising, at least to me. Most hits come from search engine traffic; Google seems to like my content and helps my site to have a relatively high pagerank on some keywords. Sitemeter doesn’t seem to have a stat page that shows the all-time page ranking for the site, just for the last 100 visits. From memory, the pages that seem to consistently get a lot of hits are as follows:

Be A Good Do-Bee — Romper Room
Grandfather To The SUV?
Stupid Computer Trick — VNC Echo
’09 Dodge Purple People Eater
The Virtual KVM
Hillbilly Horseshoes
Citroen 2CV Rat Rod

The post that probably sees the most traffic is The Dash 30fx; it’s linked from at least two different Mac-centric sites and gets a Google hit or two on occasion. There was a time when I thought I might put that old guy up for sale, but in truly rare computer hardware, older is better, so I think I’ll hang onto it for a while longer. Might be able to retire on that someday. Or at least use it to prop open the door to my shop.

Another one that seems to be a perennial favorite is It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere, the post about the ’54 Ford Delivery with the boat-topped camper trailer. (I saw that rig at the Automania show in Sioux Falls last year; this year’s show is coming up next week, so I’m hoping it’ll be back, and I’m also hoping that there will be some other notable cars or trucks there.) The photos of that thing ended up on Neatorama, and from there ended up in several different places, bringing in hits from all over. One of the problems is that since that one went up about this time last year, I changed web hosts, and somehow in the process of moving, the link to that page got changed, but all the other linking sites still have the old one. So visitors from those sites get a 404 error page, but I’ve modded that to include the proper links. Not sure how helpful that was, but it’s something.

So here’s to davintosh, another six months older, and with ever-increasing popularity. It may still be fly-over country of the World Wide Web, but I see a bit of an upward trend here!

An Oversight

Thursday, February 14th, 2008


Whoops. I just realized I overlooked something on my site that shouldn’t have been overlooked.

The site is named davintosh — my name is Dave and I work with Macintoshes; davintosh. Ok, so it’s a little corny and I’m even embarrassed to tell my wife about it. Sue me.

Anyway, as I was writing the last post — which had a lot to do with Macs — and setting the categories, it dawned on me that there was no category for things Mac. How could this be?

So now it’s fixed. I may have to dig back through the posts I’ve already written and set them to reflect the presence of the new category (I think I just used “Computers” before).

Pushing 1,000!

Wednesday, December 12th, 2007


1,000 visitors, that is. Sometime today (or maybe tomorrow), I should cross the threshold into the four-digit realm, at least as it’s measured by Sitemeter since I first signed up in April, 2006. I should probably also note that I didn’t realize until just recently that Sitemeter allowed you to ignore visits from my own computer, so a fair number of that 1,000 is due to me checking on things. But since I added my computer to the ignore list, traffic has kept up a steady two or three a day routine.

That may not seem like much of a milestone, given that amount of time, and especially compared to some of the busier sites that will see that kind of traffic in an hour or less. But for me on my little outta da way corner of a minor thread in the World Wide Web, 1,000 is something!

So here’s to davintosh. The fly-over country of the World Wide Web!

A New Look

Tuesday, November 13th, 2007

It’s been a while since I changed the theme on this site; about 2005 to be exact. So yesterday I did some digging around amongst the freebies available at WordPress & found Upstart Blogger Minim to suit me quite well. Nicely uncluttered & clean, easy to read, three columns… what more could I ask for? I did throw in the requisite Thornton Chocolate on Sioux Quartzite header image, just to stay a little consistent. Besides, I like that photo. And the choc-o-late.

The main thing that prompted me to change was the addition of Google Adsense ads. I don’t expect to make a ton of money from advertising on my site, but I figure it can’t hurt. And it might also get my site back on the map on Google. Before I moved things to PowWeb, my post about the Hillbilly Horseshoes game would get regular visits, which hit the first page of Google results for many people searching for information & plans for it. Now, searching for the domain name only gets returns from a few more popular sites where I’ve posted & left a calling card. I’m not supposed to tell you to click the ads, so I won’t. Even if you do, I don’t think I’m any closer to retirement.

As for the new look, I hope you like it. All 7 of you who have visited today.

PowWeb: My New Home

Monday, July 2nd, 2007

Aaaaahhhhh….. That’s the contented sound of me being happy that things are transferred (mostly) to my new web host (, and things are working. My web presence is pretty minimal, so the headaches were pretty minimal, but headaches there were. But all in all, pretty painless.

I came to the point where I had to dump the old web host (which will go unnamed; email me if you’d like to know who to avoid) because of some ongoing issues with the server my site was hosted on. The biggest issue was that the server is on a couple of blacklists, which makes us guilty by association of being an open relay. So lots of messages that we’ve sent through the domain have ended up in various junk bins across the interwebs. Both domains are still listed on those blacklists, but I’m hoping that this move will help rectify that, plus I’m working with the blacklist operators to get us removed. Ick.

I did a bit of homework on my new host; not enough, mind you, as there were still a couple of unexpected unpleasantries waiting for me in setting up the site. One pleasant surprise is that the neighbors sharing the same server (as reported by a reverse IP lookup) seem to be above the board. There might be others, but time, and more testing, will tell.Powweb is one of the low cost hosts that offers way more disk space and bandwidth than I will ever need; 300GB disk space and 3,000GB per month data transfer, for the low, low price of $5.77 a month (or under $70 a year), for the first year. Subsequent renewals will cost $7.77 a month, but hopefully the price will drop before it’s time to renew.

One of the things they brag about is their home-brew control panel (in place of cPanel or one of the other panels.) It’s ok, but not terribly intuitive. Guess I’m spoiled a little, and have become accustomed to getting things done in cPanel, and I just have to find my way around. Time.

One of the things that was really disappointing with Powweb is how difficult they’ve made it to host multiple sites on one account. They don’t make a big deal of being able to host an unlimited number of domains, but it is mentioned. What isn’t mentioned is that when you add multiple domains, they all point to the same htdocs directory. You can buy the use of a tool — The Domain Redirect — to make it happen, for $7.95 a month. Good grief; it costs more than an entire separate account would cost.But thankfully, there’s more than one way to skin a cat; there are literally thousands of others using Powweb, and many know a lot more about server configuration than me and are willing to share their knowledge. It took about 15 minutes to track down a post in the forums that showed step by step how to sete up the .htaccess file to do what I needed it to do. Sweet! I love geeks!

Another disappointment is that with their InstallCentral auto-installer, you can only install one instance of any of the open source script packages they offer. With the old host you could install WordPress blogs until you ran out of disk space — not sure why you’d want to, but I do know I’d like to have more than just one on the site! I’m sure there is a way to cheat around this limitation; I just need to track down the trail blazer(s) in the forums and pry their secrets from them.

The next hurdle was getting WordPress set up to for and getting the content transferred over. That turned out to be fairly easy as well; export a current xml archive of the content & save to disk, then reimport it on the other end. The biggest hiccup in the process was getting the domain names remapped and pointed to the new server. is registered with Dotster, so I did that first, thinking I could do later. But the way things were configured, ended up being more or less a branch off of, so that needed to be in place before the wp-admin stuff would work. I must’ve installed, uninstalled & reinstalled WordPress ten times trying different things before giving up, updating the registrar for, and just waiting for the new server location to show up. It wasn’t very long; much less time than I remember from the last dns change I made two years ago.

Now the big waiting game is for the domain name registration to transfer. is registered with an outfit in Turkey right now, and is about to expire in a couple of weeks. While it’s not a big hassle to keep it current there, Powweb offers a free domain name with the package, and simpler is better. I’ve started the ball rolling to get the domain name transferred, and I’m waiting with bated breath to see it happen without a hitch. Last time was a bit of a nightmare; please oh please oh please let it go through with no problems!

Do Your Parents Know What You’re Reading?

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

According to Mingle, this site is rated PG — Parental Guidance Suggested. And all because of four instances of two words; C-R-A-C-K and D-E-A-T-H (had to add the dashes so as to not throw in more of that nasty stuff!)


The First Dread Word comes up in some text I copied from another site telling about what happened to a boat when it flew off a trailer (it cracked), and the others from references to one of my favorite blogs, Say No To Crack. (Oops; I think I just added ‘crack’ to my site two more times! Dang; make that three! I’ll be at NC-17 before you know it.) The Second Dread Word comes from the post I wrote about Tsakhiagiyn Elbegdorj following his visit to Sioux Falls. Is it a bad thing to say someone was rescued from jail?

Sheesh; I’m gonna have to watch it!

A Post A Day?

Wednesday, December 27th, 2006

It’s been over a month since my last post. Probably not unusual for a lot of writers (I don’t care much for the name ‘blogger’) — and it probably doesn’t matter much to the half dozen readers who hit my site in a month — but it bothers me a bit. So, whether it’s long or short, interesting or not, I’m gonna try to put something new on these pages every day.

And if most days go like this one, it’ll be coming in just under the wire. Like this one.

Thursday, March 9th, 2006

I’ve been kinda thinking about getting a real domain name that would point to my blog for a while now, but never really thought long and hard about it. Then today had a deal going for 50 cent domain name registration. Heck, that’s almost as good as free!

Being a guy that has a hard time passing up a good deal, that got me thinking a little harder about a domain name. is taken, as is is taken as well, but is available. Hmmm.

Then it hit me;! I started using davintosh as a username when I got into, and since the moniker identifies me with the computers I know & love best, that ought to be the name for my site. So look for to point to these pages sometime very, very soon.

Update: Well, I’ve got the domain name, but one thing I didn’t realize is that my hosting service will support only one domain name. Adding a second domain name would cost $2.00 a month, which is a little steep considering the service I have now is only $2.95 a month. I could also upgrade to the next package for the same $4.95, which would give me two domain names, twice the disk space and twice the bandwidth (like I’m maxing out what I have now; right!)

So for now, I think I’ll just park and think over the added cost. It’s not that terribly much, but is it worth it just for vanity’s sake?