
I guess I’ve been tagged — but thankfully not like the poor old bovine above. According to Rick’s post, what I have to do is…

… list seven random or weird facts about myself and then tag seven other people.

So, here goes, whether it’s right or not. But if it’s not, well I guess it’s not. And here goes in spite of the 49 posts stacked up in Draft status waiting to be finished. Guess a backlog like that is what happens when someone with SODS (Shiny Object Distraction Syndrome) tries to run a blog (does that count as a weird or random fact about me? Or two?)

  1. My first name is not David (not telling what it really is!)
  2. I got my driver’s license two weeks before my 16th birthday, but got picked up for speeding the same day and subsequently lost said license. Yeah; not one of my better moments.
  3. I met, fell in love with, proposed to, and married my charming & gracious Yvonne in a span of about 8 months. Yup; that was one of my better moments!
  4. My first job out of high school was with a casket manufacturer.
  5. I have no idea how many computers I have in my house right now, but I do know that none of them are PC’s. run Window$ as a native OS. (better?)
  6. I was a registered Democrat until 1994.
  7. My longest term of employment was with CCL Label — 1991 to 2005. The shortest? John Morrell & Co. — 7.5 hours. Yup; didn’t even finish my first shift. When I’d had my fill of the place, I tracked down my foreman & told him off, threw my checked out equipment at him, stormed off in a rage, then got hopelessly lost trying to find my way out of the building. (The decision to take the job there was definitely not a shining moment in the history of me.)

Well, there’s my seven. I don’t know how random or weird any of them are, but that’s what I could come up with on a Sunday afternoon. I think I’ll just leave it at that.

But now, who to tag…

No Responses to “Tagged”

  1. RickD335 says:

    Uh, Dave? Shoot me if I’m mistaken, but P(ersonal) C(omputer) describes Macs as well, despite the great advertising to the contrary by Apple. How about none of them run Windoze as a native OS? 🙂

  2. dave says:

    OK Rick; technically you’re correct, so I’ve fixed it. But how many people do you know, regardless of how computer literate, would think of anything but a Windows machine when someone mentions a PC? ‘PC’ has become an accepted substitute for “Windows-based computer” in the general vernacular, in the same way that ‘Kleenex’ has for “facial tissue”. Try and blame it on Apple if you like, but their ad people are only using generally accepted terminology.

    Not worthy of shooting, but a slap with a dead fish ought to do. 😉