McCain — Palin; The Killer Match

John McCain shocked many today by announcing that his pick for VP is Sarah Palin. A woman! Palin is currently serving as the governor of Alaska, and in the minds of many conservatives, is an excellent pick. I’d go so far as to say that with her as VP, they are an unbeatable team, especially against a lightweight like Obama.

From what I’ve heard of her, Palin is an excellent candidate for the Republican Party in her own right. She is as pro-life and pro-family as they come; she & her husband have five kids, the youngest of which is less than a year old and has Down’s Syndrome. She’s got a record of standing up against the corrupt political machine in Alaska. She’s got experience in executive roles, both in politics and in business. I could go on…

But the reason that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to walk all over team Obama/O’Biden is that Palin is a woman. The Democrat leadership is going to be in a tizzy over this, because many voters who supported Hillary (mostly women) primarily because she’s a woman are likely to throw their support to McCain/Palin. Add to that the massive amount of disgruntlement among Democrats who supported Hillary and are disappointed with Obama… Why even hold an election?

But… It doesn’t stop there though. I remember hearing that many women base their choices between two male political candidates on looks; which one is more handsome. Given that, men tend to be even more shallow than women (of course, that doesn’t apply to me) so it’s likely that many men will make their choice the same way. And in that respect, McCain hit a home run with Sarah… Even at 44 she is a babe. And she is by far better looking than either Barack or Joe.

Sarah\'s Official Photo, Miss Alaska Photo

Sarah's Official Photo, Miss Alaska Photo

So, what do you say? Should we just call the election and put John & Sarah in office right away? I for one could do without the campaign.

No Responses to “McCain — Palin; The Killer Match”

  1. RickD335 says:

    I’ll grant you she’s better looking than Barack and Joe – but she’s also better looking than John 🙂

    As I note on my blog, my question remains how well will she fulfill the duties of the office?