The Cows-Line?


Here’s a slightly funny photo; newborn calves hanging on a fence! Get it? Cows-Line — Clothes-Line! (ok, bad joke.) And in case you’re wondering, the calves are not dead; they are just fine.

Yvonne went to visit her sister, who now lives in Holland. Dick, the new brother-in-law, is a dairy farmer, and during Yvonne’s visit she was able to get in on a couple of calvings. The second one was a set of twins who apparently had some difficulty breathing right off. They were a little groggy and unable to clear the mucus and fluid from their lungs & esophagus. So Dick slings them over the steel tube fence to let gravity help them out.

It’s been a long, long time since I witnessed a calving, so I’m not sure if this is standard practice everywhere, or just in Holland, or maybe just on Dick’s farm. One thing is sure; those calves



Notice the set of eyes watching the whole process from the back of the barn; that just happened to be the bull, and he just happened to be the only bovine that was even mildly interested in the whole process. No doubt checking out future competition!

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