1959 Corvette XP-87 Stingray

January 9th, 2010

Watching an old Elvis Presley movie right now — Clambake. Elvis plays a the son of a wealthy oil tycoon, and drives a sharp looking red roadster that turns out to be the 1959 Corvette XP-87 Stingray. What a gorgeous machine! Given that the car was built in ’59, and the movie was released in ’67 shows how well the design of the car aged.


The XP-87 was designed in ’57 by Bill Mitchell and Gary Shinoda as an exercise in racing design, and was raced extensively the for a short time before being retired. It was then spiffed up and put on the show car circuit, and even used as a weekend driver by Bill Mitchell (after they added a passenger seat!) That’s what you call a fringe benefit!

The influence of this car’s design on the C2 Corvette is pretty obvious.


I’ve always liked the looks of that model Corvette better than any of the others… Not sure what it is, but the coupe is one sharp car. I’d love to do a resto-mod of one someday. Someday.


As nice as this one looks, I think I’d have to do it in red. That fits the C2 best.

Tenderized Goat For Dinner?

January 9th, 2010

This. Is. Amazing.

I Sound Like Deane!

January 5th, 2010

Several months ago I volunteered to host and maintain the website for the drumline that Ian was a member of… I had volunteered some time ago to help maintain the site that had been built several years prior by a guy in the Twin Cities; the site was running on Joomla but because it hadn’t been updated for a while, the site getting hacked a number of times. Between that and wanting deeper access to mail admin & whatnot, I pushed for the move and a site revamp. It’s now running on WordPress, and in my opinion is a much better site for the change.

The problem now is keeping the content on the site updated. I met with the board last night, and found that because Ian decided not to join up this year, our family (including me, the webmaster) was dropped from some of the communications, so I was unaware of much that had changed recently. I keep up with the director as best as I can, but he’s a busy guy and a lot of stuff falls through the cracks. They’re a great bunch of people with great ideas for making the group work, but… Communication is a difficult thing in even the best organizations, much less a hodge-podge group of parent volunteers running a non-profit group on a shoestring budget

During the meeting last night I was asked for an update on the website, and all of a sudden I heard my buddy Deane Barker talking… Websites don’t write themselves. It’s all about content. When things don’t get updated the site gets stale, and when the site gets stale, people don’t stop by. I don’t remember all I said, but couldn’t help but think, “Good grief! That’s Deane talking!” I didn’t intend to scold or complain, but that may have been the way it came across because of the frustration I felt… just trying to convey my desire to do the job well, but not being able to do that without some cooperation and help.

At any rate, I think I got my point across, and I doubt I’ll be fired any time soon. I threw in some suggestions on how to consolidate the group’s communications – using a mailing list and some other online tools – but I could tell by the blank looks and the response the ideas weren’t well received. I’ve still got some work to do.

Getting Back Your Lost Camera

January 5th, 2010

This is not only a great idea, it could be a real hoot putting it together!

A Pictorial Guide to avoiding Camera Loss

Have you lost your camera recently? Mislaid it somewhere in a national park? Left it in a taxi? Dropped it in the gorilla pit? Anyone can be a victim of the thoughtlessness and/or sleepiness that can lead to Camera Loss…

Of course it’s not sure-fire, but it at least gives you a better chance of getting back a lost camera than the ordinary assortment of anonymous images normally found on a camera.

All kinds of clever things come to mind for a little slideshow on my camera… The only problem I’d foresee is having to change my practice of letting iPhoto remove the photos from the card when it’s done importing them. But I can change.

Pick A Resolution, Any Resolution!

January 4th, 2010

This is kinda fun…


For those (like me) who have so much that needs improvement, they don’t know where to start.

It’s funny that that resolution came up (after several clicks on the “GIMME MORE” button), because I had already started this post about resolving to add to my blog more often/regularly. I’ve got a backlog of about 40 or so draft posts waiting to be finished & published (even after weeding through them a few weeks back), plus a number of others that I’ve got in my head and collected supporting files, links & images on my drive for… After giving this issue some thought, it seems that I get stuck most often because I’m trying to be too thorough in what I assemble for a post. Maybe I need to think of this blog as more of a step above a Tweet or a Facebook Status post than any kind of journalistic endeavor, because a journalist I am not.

If I check Google Analytics or Sitemeter to see what brings people to my site, it’s usually for the somewhat random stuff I’ve posted about in the past, like the Citroen 2CV Rat Rod that I know next to nothing about, or fixing the instrument cluster on the Plymouth van we no longer own, or wiring the trailer lights on our Ford Freestar van. A few people jump here directly, but lately more people are interested in how I painted my BMW with a roller than what I think about the latest political development… I don’t expect this blog to ever be anything more than just a hobby for me, so it really shouldn’t matter whether people hit my site directly or via a search engine. If I spend several hours composing a post in order to share my two cents’ worth on a given topic, it really doesn’t do much more than get it off my chest. So maybe in the big scheme of things — in blogging anyway — less is more.

So, I’m off to get a cup of coffee to tip my cup to this new resolution, and to get me past my post-lunch slump. Cheers!

Just Another Day

January 4th, 2010

About this time last year I made a list of No-Year’s Resolutions*, so I thought this might be as good a time as any to review how I did on them.
* In case anybody missed the intended sarcasm, my No-Years Resolutions were an attempt at reverse psychologizing myself into actually improving instead of… well, the opposite.

My first one was to Gain weight. I’m thinking at least 40 pounds. Just more of me to love, right? I’d have to say I failed at this one, which is good; pretty much kept my head above water is all. I haven’t weighed in for a few weeks, but last time I checked I was still tipping the scale at about 235 or so, which is about where I was this time last year. The problem is that even though 235 isn’t ‘morbidly obese’ or anything, it’s still about 50lbs heavier than what I weighed when we were married, and it sure ain’t 50lbs of muscle. I get tired just thinking of hauling that much extra weight around wherever I go. Will 2010 be the year I finally hack off that spare tire? I sure hope so, and I’ll be giving it some concerted effort.

Next up, Not even think about exercising. I’d resolve to quit exercising, but I can’t very well stop if I’m not doing it in the first place. Total waste of time. Well, I thought about it, and did some, but nowhere near a regular exercise regime. Still need to work on this one. P90x? Maybe. Or maybe just haul my butt out of the recliner & get on the treadmill on a regular basis.

As for the Read less, and I’ll hide my Bible. Quiet time? Devotions? Spiritual disciplines? Who needs them? item, I’d have to say it was a draw. My Bible reading time & spiritual discipline has been at about the same low level for several years now. Not a good thing.

Watch more TV. I might even break down and get cable. From what people at work talk about, I’ve been missing some good stuff. Success here, I think. But that’s probably more an issue of not keeping track of my tube time. I didn’t buy cable, but I did break down & buy the digital converter box so the TV would at least continue to work. That’s given us a little more TV content to choose from, but I still end up kicking myself for staying up too late watching stoopid TV shows. Like My Name Is Earl… A little self-control? Please?

Procrastinate more. Then again, maybe I’ll wait & do that next year. I am happy to report that I don’t procrastinate any more. I don’t do it any less either, so I think it’s a draw on this one too. Or… heck; I’ll finish this one later.

Another failure; Take up a new habit: Maybe drinking. And smoking would be good too. And as long as I’m at it, I’ll start hitting the casinos. No smoking or gambling, but I did break down & buy a 4-pack of Guinness a while back, and paid a visit to Monks in October, but I’m not exactly a closet alcoholic.

An abject failure on this one! Spend more time at work. In 2009 I got five weeks of vacation time at work, and as of the last paycheck I had about 90 hours of PTO left until my anniversary in April. If I work it right, I may not even have any time left to cash out when this year’s allotment is rolled out!

Fail! Spend less time with the wife & kids. That only deepen any emotional attachment to them, which interferes with #7. I can say that I have spent more time with the family, and it has been good.

Well, this one could probably be considered something of a success; Take a vacation to someplace important: like to see the largest ball of twine. The only ‘vacation’ we took was to Kentucky to see Bryce’s graduation from Basic Training. We spent a little extra time there and visited Mammoth Cave, the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Memorial, and the Coca-Cola Memorabilia Museum; none of which measure up (down?) to the largest ball of twine, but weren’t really high on the excitement meter. Yvonne pulled a week in Peru on a medical mission trip last summer, and plans to go back later this month, but I just hung out with the boys that week.


This one was another failure; Stop going home for lunch or bringing a sack lunch to work: We all need to do our part for stimulating the economy, and fast food restaurants play an important role in that, right? I didn’t keep count, but I know I spent a lot less money on fast food lunches in 2009.

And another failure; Quit giving money & time to charity. It’s time to let someone else develop character in that way. Gave way more to charity this year, plus I added a volunteer gig to hosting & maintaining the website for Groove Inc., even though Ian decided he didn’t want to participate in Groove at all this year. Oh well, they can use the help.

This one might be considered something of a success; hit the mark in a way… Sell my car and buy a mid-’70’s Camaro or Monte Carlo with a really loud stereo system, mag wheels, air shocks and wide tires in back. I’ll also need to grow a mullet to complete the image. No mullet, but I did manage to buy not one but two ’80-something BMWs. Neither has an impressive stereo system nor mag wheels, but both do have alloy wheels, and the latter one has some pretty wide tires all around. The problem is that the earlier one had a lot of issues and needed a lot of work (and still does) which kept me from getting around to some home improvement projects… If I had it to do over again I’d probably have held out for an e28 in better shape, but I really like these cars, in spite of the little niggling problems with them! Did I say ‘no mullet’?

Fail. Shower and change clothes once a week, whether I need it or not. A guy has to do his part to to reduce water usage. In fact our household is using more water than ever, since Caleb reached the age where a daily shower is pretty much a necessity for the health and well being of those around him.

Fail here too. Cash out my 401k accounts. The markets are going nowhere fast, and just think of the fun I could have with all that money. Although I was sorely tempted to do just that on a number of occasions, and still think it might be a good idea. Not to have fun with the money, but maybe to use it to pay off our mortgage and invest in something that might actually appreciate and not be available for the Washington bureaucrats to eventually seize to bankroll Social Security, Medicare and the mess they’ll end up making with their health insurance reform legislation.

Success on this one I’m afraid. Stay up later still every night. Think of all the late-night TV and web browsing I can get done instead of sleeping. Most days at work I feel like I’m spinning wheels anyway, so showing up half asleep shouldn’t affect a thing productivity-wise. It’s not uncommon to find me dragging myself to bed between 1-2am, then back up at 6:15 to get a head start on getting the boys up for school. Part of the problem though is that if I go to bed earlier I end up getting up earlier, without much gain in sleep time. Not sure if what I have constitutes a sleep disorder or what… Maybe time to retire our 24 year old mattress and get something that won’t have me waking up with aching shoulders & hips multiple times a night.

So there it is. I can’t say the reverse psychology worked, but at least it was at least different (if not better) than the typical “I resolve to do better” type list. I could probably keep the same list for 2010 (is that “twenty-ten” or “two-thousand-ten”?) since I still have some work to do. Hmmm… Maybe I’ll decide on that later.

Whither the Sizzler?

December 22nd, 2009


One of the coolest toys I remember from my younger days was the Hot Wheels Sizzlers. They were the size of regular Hot Wheels cars, but were made of plastic and had electric motors (like you’d find in slot cars) and batteries that would recharge in a minute or so using The Juice Machine — a gas pump-styled charging station — or the smaller charger that would clip to your belt.


The cars and the triple-wide black tracks were all the rage when they came out in 1969, but Mattel phased them out by 1976(?) Then a few years ago (2006?) just before Christmas I saw them again in the Target toy department! Tracks, cars, chargers, the whole works! The really cool thing was that Mattel had used the original graphics for the packaging and the original tooling to make the cars & track — it was like going back in time!

But being the procrastinator that I am, I waited too long to buy that Christmas season, and the opportunity to bless the kids with one of my boyhood toys was gone. I never gave it much thought after that, but then last weekend I went into one of the local Ace Hardware stores — they usually have a decent selection of oddball toys you don’t find at department stores — and there it was! One lone box with the Sizzlers Extended Eight racetrack inside!


$20.00 later, it was mine (to give to one of the boys, of course!) and I was on my way. But looking closer at the box I noticed that there’s only one car and the belt-clip charger inside; what good is a racetrack if there’s nobody to race against? So in the days following I started looking around for more cars. They are nowhere to be found locally. I even asked at Target, and the kid there said others had asked about them, but as far as he knew they hadn’t had them since that one year a while back.

Shopping online it’s possible to find them, but they don’t come cheap at all; Amazon has them but they start at $20 for just the car, and go up from there, some listing for $70! I’m unsure whether that’s for a 30-year-old original or one of the more recently built cars… A Google search will yield other websites that specialize in selling original Sizzlers to collectors, and some of them go for a lot of money.

So for this year, it’s just the track and one car, and I’ll keep an eye peeled for more Sizzlers to pop up in coming years.

One thing I did to make-do without multiple Sizzlers cars is buy a few Darda race cars; they are German-built wind-up cars that are really pretty incredible. You press down on the car and push it back & forth a few times to wind it, and when you let it go, it really flies! The cars can be purchased individually or with track packages, and the tracks are pretty incredible too, as they typically have a number of loops on them, sometimes stacked loops. And even more incredible is that these little cars can make the loops! We found out about them through a friend who babysat for us a number of years ago; she had several sets and a number of cars that her son had used, but didn’t play with much anymore. We borrowed them for a while, and I think I had more fun with them than the kids!

darda_vette darda_army darda_mustang


There’s only one store in Sioux Falls that sells them — Kidtopia — and thankfully they had plenty on hand. I bought one for each of the boys, knowing that the older boys will want to play too. I don’t know if the Darda cars will have the endurance of the Sizzlers, but they’ll have plenty of speed. Should be a fun toy mashup for Christmas!

Cool Flash Presentation — International Space Station

December 19th, 2009


Somebody posted a link to this interactive Flash graphic on the USA Today website that shows the growth of the International Space Station since the first piece was put in orbit in 1998. I knew pieces had been sent up and added to the station over the years, but I had no idea it had become that big. Amazing!

Irony via Linotype

December 15th, 2009

I get marketing emails and newsletters on occasion from the good folks at Linotype, trying to sell me fonts. What kind of irony can come from them? Just the fact that the emails arrive in plain-text mode, like you see below:


Linotype is of course one of the premier and longest-lived font houses around. I’ve bought a number of fonts from them over the years; what they sell is of excellent quality and their site is always a source of reliable information on fonts & typography. That they send out their newsletter in plain text speaks volumes. I don’t recall making a choice between html & plain text way back when I first signed up, but it’s noteworthy that they’d even give you that choice in this day of flash and hype.

Long live Linotype!

The Lost Mitten

December 14th, 2009

Our house is probably similar to many others with small(ish) kids in that we have a seemingly endless supply of orphaned gloves, mittens & socks. Yvonne was going through the winter stuff one day last week and pulled out more lone gloves & mittens than pairs. Where did they all go? We go through the lost & found at school and church very chance we get, but rarely score anything, so it sure seems like these things just up and walk away. Or our boys eat them, which is probably more likely.

The question is, what do you do with the ones that are left behind? Most often they just get tossed, but that’s such a waste, I rarely do it. Thankfully, Yvonne does, so our collection isn’t what it could be.


Seeing the pile of lone mittens & gloves that day made me think about a possible solution, so I went to Google to see if I’m the only crazy with a hangup about widowed handware or not… Surprisingly (or not) there have been efforts to bring the parted pairs back together — Lost Glove was an effort that ended back in 2007, and was in the UK. More recently, there was One Cold Hand, which was essentially an art project in Philadelphia, but looks like a flash in the pan, so who knows how long that’ll be around. Lands End does something that’s a bit unique; with their Lost Mitten Club, if you lose one of your Lands End gloves or mittens, you can call the Club’s toll-free number and buy a replacement for half the price of a pair. Not exactly much help for those of us who don’t shop Lands End, but it’s something.

What is needed is an organization that accepts lost & found gloves or mittens mailed in from all over, then organizes them, matches them up with the other hand, then sells them online and/or in a store, or gives them away. And even the gloves that can’t be matched up with a mate can maybe be given to one-armed people…

No, I don’t think I’m the one to put flesh on this idea (as good as it might be) so here’s the concept, out there for the taking. Working out the business model and whether it’ll hold water financially, that’s your baby. Email me when you get things going and I’ll give you an address where the royalty checks can be mailed. PayPal works too if you prefer. Thanks!
