“Being Veep Is Easy”

February 25th, 2010

Vice President Joe Biden had some notable things to say about his Executive Branch position today…

Just moments before the afternoon session (of the today’s health care summit at the Blair House) got underway, C-SPAN’s cameras picked up audio of Biden chatting casually with participants.

“It’s easy being vice president — you don’t have to do anything.”

Whomever Biden was chatting with said, “It’s like being the grandpa and not the parent.”

“Yeah, that’s it!” replied Biden.

Good grief, what a buffoon. And to think that the people who voted to put this guy a heartbeat from the Presidency were worried about Sarah Palin… After all of his gaffes last year I’m surprised he’s still allowed out in public.


My New Front Plate

February 24th, 2010

I found the perfect accessory for the front bumper of my Rustoleum-painted BMW…


There are a couple of sites that will make custom Euro plates, for not a lot of money; this one is especially cool because it’s got an interactive tool that lets you see what your plate will look like.

Who cares that the US Spec e28s don’t have provisions for the wide Euro plates; it’s an easy retrofit, and they still look right at home!

But it’s on the Euro bumpers that they really shine!

Photos borrowed from mye28.com buds SWattersSR and RoyW; Thanks!

What? You Don’t Believe Me?

February 23rd, 2010

Have you ever approached an intersection in a car with your turn signal on, conspicuously reducing your speed, and have another motorist wait at the intersection to see if you actually turn before they make a move?

That happened to me on my way to lunch just now, and it kinda makes me laugh… A lady sat at the intersection down the road from work waiting to make her left turn, and didn’t move until she saw my front wheels rounding the corner. Not another car on the road for a quarter mile in either direction, my turn signal was on well ahead of my intended turn (and I know for a fact that it works), I was slowing well ahead of the intersection… Even if I was moving at the normal pace for traffic on that road, she would’ve had plenty of room to get up to speed ahead of me. Yet she sat there like she didn’t believe me.

Makes me wonder how many times I’ve done that same thing.

Makes Me Wonder What Her Shoe Closet Is Like…

February 15th, 2010

Here’s a good read by Dan Kennedy on the Business & Media Institute website. An excerpt:

Mrs. Obama… reportedly has a staff of 22 assistants. Yes, I said twenty-two. (Previous First Ladies’ dedicated staffs were in the single digits). Michelle’s little army includes a Chief of Staff costing $172,000 a year; a Deputy Chief of Staff at $90,000; a Director of Policy and Projects at $140,000; a Director of Communications at $102,000; a Deputy Director of Scheduling at $62,000; two Social Secretaries – mysteriously, one at $65,000, one at $64,000; an Associate Director of Correspondence at $45,000, an Assistant to the Social Secretary at $36,000, and more, in total consuming $6.3-million annually thus $25-million during her 4-year term. Not to mention a make-up artist and hair stylist.

Kennedy took the occasion of the scolding tone of President Obama to bring this up; when he said that a trip to Vegas wasn’t the wisest move “when you’re trying to save for college. You prioritize. You make tough choices. It’s time your government did the same.”

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black…*

*not a racist comment.

Fly The Drunken Skies — Pelosi Air

February 4th, 2010

I’d heard rumblings of Nancy Pelosi’s boorish attitude before, but this news just takes the cake. Since stepping into the position of Speaker of the House, the bill for Madame Speaker’s air travel is pushing the $3 million mark, with well over $100,000 in just in-flight food & booze. Then there was the staggering bill for the monstrous Congressional presence at the Copenhagen Climate Summit…

She has been using Air Force aircraft and personnel to jet back and forth between Washington, D.C. and her home in San Francisco, plus has made several overseas junkets (for who knows what)… But traveling alone isn’t much fun, so she has her usual entourage tagging along, plus any number of her family members, plus whatever Congressional delegation needs to come along, plus their own entourages, plus security…

And when asked about the extravagant use of taxpayer funds for travel, Pelosi’s defense is along the lines of, it’s all necessary for the person third in line to the Presidency. Can she justify all of the travel and expenses? Has she reimbursed the DOD for any of those expenses? If Denny Hastert had pulled the same stunts, would there be the near deafening silence from the mainstream media about it? I think not, on all three counts.

“He Is A Crappy President”

February 3rd, 2010

Not my words, but the words of highly respected economist, Dr. Arthur Laffer from an interview published on Human Events.

“Obama is a fine, very impressive person. He really is. Unfortunately, everything that he is doing in economics is exactly wrong. He is a crappy president,” Laffer said.

Dr. Laffer had a lot more to say in that interview about the state of the country’s economy and how the Obama Administration’s economic policy is affecting it. Although Laffer didn’t have much nice to say about the current policy, his is not your run-of-the-mill partisan mudslinging. He’s also written some scathing reviews of Bush Administration spending decisions, especially the bailouts in 2008. He may not be a totally unbiased source of info, but he is consistent in calling bad economic policy as he sees it. And he has some solid credentials backing up what he says.

President Obama told Diane Sawyer in an interview recently, “I’d rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president.” I would so love for him to be a really good president, but if he continues on his present course, I forsee him being more of a crappy one-term president.

Human Events Interview
“Get Ready for Inflation and Higher Interest Rates” — June 11, 2009, WSJ
Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich — May 18, 2009, WSJ
“How to Fix the Health-Care ‘Wedge’; There is an alternative to ObamaCare” — August 5, 2009, WSJ

A Little Enforcement Please?

January 31st, 2010

I just got back from a walk tonight, and am really disgusted with how poorly people cleared their sidewalks. A walk that normally takes me about a half hour instead took 40 minutes, and I feel like I’ve been walking a tightrope the whole time.

We’ve had some weird weather lately — lots of snow followed by above-freezing temps followed by freezing rain followed by more cold, cold temps followed by snow blown around by high winds — and people have just done a crappy job of keeping up with things. Ice, snow that melted to slush, got walked on then refroze, leaving a slippery lumpy mess that’s almost impossible to walk on. Other places look as if only feeble attempts (if any) have been made at clearing the snow that blew in.

We live in the central part of Sioux Falls, and I’m sure many homes are no longer owner-occupied, which makes things worse as renters just don’t tend to things as well as an owner. But a little ice can make things dangerous; I know all too well how easily bones can be broken with a simple fall

The city has pretty specific ordinances regarding the need for keeping the sidewalks cleared…

Sec. 38-76. Duty to remove.

(a) The owner or person in possession of any property abutting on any sidewalk shall keep such sidewalk free from snow and ice and shall remove any snow or ice from the sidewalk within 48 hours after the termination of any snow fall, snow or ice accumulation.

(b) The owner or person in possession of any property abutting upon any sidewalk which ends at an intersection or crosswalk shall maintain the sidewalk free from snow and ice to the edge of the street. Snow and ice deposited on the sidewalk in the street removal process shall be removed within 48 hours of being deposited.

And if the ordinance isn’t followed, the city retains the right to step in and take care of things for the property owner…

Sec. 38-78.1. City may remove.

If the owner or person in possession of property fails to remove the snow or ice from the sidewalks within the time specified, the city may have the snow or ice removed and charge the cost thereof against the abutting property each time the snow or ice is removed.

The trouble is that there is no provision in the ordinances for enforcement. From what I understand, the city only steps in when a complaint is lodged, either by way of a phone call or a message sent through the city’s online complaint form. The trouble is, the form asks for addresses of the properties in violation; I’d be plugging in every other address along the route of my walk.

Ok; I’m done complaining for now. I feel a little better. Just a little.

Perspective Is Everything

January 31st, 2010

Believe it or not, the images in this slideshow by Michael Paul Smith are just models in dioramas. Some of the dioramas have real backgrounds, but… Wow, are these shots realistic! And the artist says he used no Photoshop at all, just the camera and perspective. Enjoy!

I Want Me An iPad

January 27th, 2010

Apple just introduced the iPad, and I want one. You can read about all the details and watch the demo movie in lots of places, so I won’t spend any time on that…

I just want one.


Apple’s Magical Mouse

January 27th, 2010

I helped a friend set up her new 27″ iMac last weekend, and it came with the coolest new mouse… The Apple Magic Mouse.


The mouse is the button, plus it has no scroll wheel, but you can use it to scroll up, down, diagonally and sideways. Comes in one color, wireless Bluetooth, but right now is only supported for use on a Mac (Windows support is coming!) The way it works is similar to the MacBook trackpads with multiple-finger functions, but that is a couple of steps above the trackpad on my getting-older-by-the-day PowerBook G4! I want one!

Actually, these would be great for use at work; seems like I’m replacing a mouse somewhere in the building at least once a week. The failures are usually with the scroll wheels, and the Apple Mighty Mouse with its tiny little scroll ball is the worst offender. The Magic Mouse with no external moving parts should be nothing but great! And as great as this mouse is, the tablet computer that Apple is expected to announce should be nothing less than amazing.