If Four Wheels Is Good, Three Must Be Better

November 4th, 2010

The 1933 Morgan Super Sport

The old Morgan trikes have always been appealing to me; just the right mix of quirky & sporty. Throw on a leather helmet and goggles, and you’ve got the perfect Sunday drive right there. What’s not to love about them? And the motor hanging off the front end… That is just so cool.

There have been rumors circulating for a while that Morgan was planning to revive the 3 wheeler, and now they’ve confirmed it; the 2011 Morgan Threewheeler is officially for real. The car(?) will reportedly have a Mazda-built transmission coupled with an 1800cc Harley Davidson v-twin motor hanging off the front axle, just like the old timer. This one won’t have the wood frame, but it will be able to get up to 60 mph in about 4 1/2 seconds, topping out at about 115 mph. That more than makes up for the loss of character the wood would’ve brought.

The images Morgan is showing on its website appear to be of a real vehicle, but views of the engine appear to be generic CAD renderings, so it’s not clear that a real car has been built & tested

Building a car LoCost 7-style — using this or that from other production vehicles — has always been a dream of mine, and the three-wheel design has always been in the back of my head; with 3 wheels instead of 4, the vehicle is classified as a motorcycle, so it’s much easier to get registered & licensed & insured. But this thing might turn that dream on it’s head. Why reinvent the wheel? Of course, it all depends on what it will cost.

One thing about the car’s specs that I’m dying to find out is what their ‘Bomb release’ style start button looks like. Hmmm…

The Importance of Multi-Platform Browser Testing

November 2nd, 2010

The SD Secretary of State’s office put up a nice reference to display election results tonight, Election Night 2010. Must be a new system because I don’t remember the look from the 2008 election. But when I pulled it up in Safari (5.0.2), it was obvious that somebody didn’t do their homework. I was pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to look like this.

Now here is the same page, as viewed in Firefox 3.6.8:

I’m not sure what the Secretary of State office’s annual budget is, nor what they allocated for this website, but you would think they would’ve spent a little time to make sure it displays properly in a browser that probably comprises ten percent of the hits they’ll receive tonight. One can only guess what it looks like in IE 6 & 7; I’m guessing it looks worse, and they’ll make up another 20 percent.

The sound you hear is my eyes rolling.

And Though This World With Devils Filled Should Threaten To Undo Us…

October 31st, 2010

Today is Reformation Day, the day we celebrate Martin Luther’s nailing his 95 theses to the door of the palace church in Wittenberg, Germany. It was done on this date in 1517. He didn’t intend to spark a reformation of the church, only to address some serious wrongs in the Roman Catholic church of his day. But as a former Roman Catholic who has become a born again believer, I’m grateful that Luther did spark that revolution.

It seems to me ironic and interesting that Halloween & Reformation Day are celebrated on the same day. Halloween has in recent times morphed into a celebration of the occult, witchcraft and all that is dark. Reformation Day celebrates the courageous action of Martin Luther, one who is said to have battled demons throughout his life, and the author of one of my favorite hymnsA Mighty Fortress Is Our God.
Read the rest of this entry »

It’s A Bad Windows Day

May 3rd, 2010

We’ve all heard of a Bad Hair Day™… Well today is A Bad Windows Day™.

So far today, among the 35 Windows XP desktops, eight servers and a dozen or so Macs, I’ve had two virus infections, three BSOD’s, and have had to chase down at least fifteen other miscellaneous issues with the Windows desktops. It’s Monday, without a doubt, and I feel like I’ve been chasing my tail all. day. long.

The funny — but altogether unsurprising — thing is that I haven’t set foot in the Graphics department (where all the Macs are located) since last Thursday, and that was only to get the page count from the printer they use. Macs make up about 25% of the computers here, but there is no doubt that I spend about 99% of my time on the Windows machines. I guess one could make the case that the Windows machines keep me employed, but for crying out loud… There has got to be a better way.

A Handy Mic Stand

May 2nd, 2010

If I ever become a death metal rock star (yeah, that’s me all over!) this stand will accompany me in every concert. So awesome.


Interesting back story on the stand in the Wired article.

BMWotD — Parting Out Is Such Sweet Sorrow

May 1st, 2010

I downloaded the latest Nordstrom’s vehicle list last night, and for once there was a new addition to the BMW section…

1991 BMW 735i, RED, 4DR, 3.5L, AT4, BAD MOTOR

Cool — another e32! My first thought was about whether there were any parts I could grab from it. The “BAD MOTOR” part told me that it wasn’t wrecked and hood might be a possibility. But the “BAD MOTOR” part also told me it was probably a Cash For Clunkers victim, and made me wonder if it was the same poor unfortunate I had seen at Graham Automotive last summer… I decided I’d head over to check it out the first chance I had.

Well, this afternoon’s weather was better than was forecast, so I went. And sure enough, that was the very same car. A little rougher around the edges, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same car.


The car has only been on the yard for a couple of days, and hasn’t even been moved into one of the lanes yet, but it’s already been picked over pretty heavily. The passenger door was gone, two of the door panels had been taken off, who knows what parts had been scavenged, lots of stuff gone from under the hood, tool kit emptied, dents & scratches all over… And of course the engine is toast, as is anything in the engine that would’ve been touched by the sodium silicate. Life in the yard is hard, especially for a Clunkers victim.

There were a couple of parts that I needed from under the car, but couldn’t get because it was still sitting on its wheels. I’ll have to come back for them. I did manage to get a coolant level sensor — mine has been reporting a low coolant level ever since replacing the coolant expansion tank two weeks ago — and a new glovebox — mine is missing a couple of pieces and doesn’t like to close without a fight — and a lower dash kick panel to replace the slightly ratty one in mine. I was surprised to find that the driver’s side floor mat was in decent shape, and it matched the color of the mats in my car, so I grabbed that as well. There were a couple of other guys grabbing parts off of it too. They didn’t care that it was a BMW at all; they were after speakers & stereo gear. I felt like chasing them off, but I guess it’s not my car…

While finding a car like that in the self-serve salvage yard, and being able to scavenge some parts from it is nice, knowing what that car looked like before and seeing what it’s become kinda breaks my heart a little. The car was incredibly well preserved; all of the interior bits were in good shape, and there was no rust on the car. If it weren’t for that stupid Cash For Clunkers program, that car would still be on the road. What a shame.

Happy Lenin’s (B)Earth Day!

April 22nd, 2010

Another good article over at AmericanThinker.com; I knew today was Earth Day, and have heard a lot about the connection between the modern-day communists and the whole environmentalist movement, but I had no idea that Earth Day coincided with Grandfather Lenin’s birthday.

Or is it a coincidence?


NASA, The Obama Edition

April 19th, 2010

So President Obama wants to drastically scale back the NASA budget, but still wants to keep America in space. Perhaps what he’s got in mind is something like this…
Reminder: Don’t try this at home, unless you truly are a rocket scientist, like the guys in the video.

Oh, but this is good! “Star”

April 14th, 2010

If you haven’t seen this before, you’re in for a treat. No teasers; just watch it. But make sure you’re not in a place where your laughter will create a scene (that’s the voice of experience!)

IMDB Info Page

Biked To Work

April 12th, 2010

The forecast looked a little sketchy for today, but when I woke up at 6 it wasn’t raining (we did get a sprinkling overnight) and KELO’s Live Doppler HD scan showed the stormy stuff had moved on to the east, so it looks like I didn’t drag my bike up from the basement for nothing after all. I thought sure that just the act of getting it ready would surely give rise to morning rain, but Murphy must not have been paying attention last night!

The bike had hung in the basement all winter, pretty much ignored, untouched & unused, so I spent a little time cleaning some of last year’s accumulated dust & grease from it before heading out this morning. Checked the air in the tires and briefly checked the electric motor wiring. Tires looked good, wheels were still acceptably true, but the thing is such a mutt… I really need to do something with the odd-colored front fork. And the handlebars look about as dorky as could be. But no time for that now. Another project for the list.

The batteries had sat pretty much ignored & unused all winter, so I plugged them in for a charge last night as well (that must not have attracted Murphy’s attention either). This morning the ready light on the charger was glowing green, so it was as ready as it would ever be. I remembered again my failed attempt at making a somewhat more convenient attaching plate for the batteries, & thought briefly about how to get by for a few more rides; rubber shock straps to the rescue. One over the top to hold the box down and keep the handle from flopping, and another across the back to keep the front notch in the rack crossbar. No problem!

The ride was pretty uneventful. Didn’t meet a soul on the trail until I got past the Bailey Street underpass; two guys on foot, then another guy on a bike a short time later, then a woman out for a run on Westport Ave. north of the UPS depot. And no goose attacks at all (in fact, the only goose I saw was on the water near the zoo. Phew!)

I had a decent tailwind most of the way (wind out of the SE, gusting to about 30 mph) so I made pretty good time, and I’m sure that helped maximize my battery life as well. By the time I got to Benson Rd. and heading up the hill on the home stretch (work stretch?) the batteries started dropping power. That makes me worry about the ride home, as I’ll be bucking a headwind the whole way back. I suppose it’ll be time to replace/upgrade the batteries sometime soon. The SLA batteries are ok for a powered bike, but they are so heavy. I bought about the minimum size to get me to work, and anything bigger would add a considerable amount of weight. I would so love to upgrade to some Lithium Ion batteries. They are expensive though… Some day.

The ride made me think about the Sioux Falls Ride To Work events of years past, so I did some checking to see when this year’s event would be. It looks like it might not be happening at all. The banner at the website hasn’t changed since last year, and there hasn’t been much added to the site at all. Nothing at all mentioned about it at the MinusCar Project, the FAB website, the Spoke-n-Sport site, or Harlan’s Bike & Tour site. Not that I really need to have someone feed me free pancakes, but it’s a nice chance to see who else is riding and see some old acquaintances. I guess there is still a month or so until the traditional time to have the event, but I would think that if it were happening, the organizers would be getting the word out by now…