Here is the most awesome video… I won’t say anything; just watch.
Ok; just two words then. “Ballot Cattle” (about 4:30 into the video). That is just so right on.
Here is the most awesome video… I won’t say anything; just watch.
Ok; just two words then. “Ballot Cattle” (about 4:30 into the video). That is just so right on.
That’s the question asked by author Jack Cashill. I happened to catch an interview of Mr. Cashill on the Rusty Humphries radio show a couple of nights ago, and from what I’ve heard and read since then, he raises a good question. While I haven’t read Obama’s memoir, nor do I have any desire to read it, it’s said to be very well written, and it’s not just leftist Obama cheerleaders who say so.
The issue leading up to that one is this; how could someone like Barack Obama — who had not published anything prior to that book, and by his own admission had written only “bad poetry” — write something as prosaic as the book that carries his name? According to Cashill, “The style is above his pay grade, way above.”
Interestingly, Cashill goes a step further than asking whether Obama used a ghost writer for his book; he says it was Obama’s good friend and Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Check out his reasoning here, and here.
I guess the question I’d ask is how someone with as undistinguished a past as Obama’s could have an agent cut a deal to publish his memoirs in the first place. Ok, he went to Columbia and Hahvahd, and was the president of the Harvard Law Review, although he never published a single work while in that position. It just seems his life is too unremarkable to be writing memoirs at 35 years old. It’s like he’s trying to live his life backwards; writing the memoirs first, hoping that the interesting stuff will come later.
Some might ask whether it makes any difference at all if Obama’s memoirs were written by someone else; ghost writers are used all the time. The trouble is that Obama has claimed the work is entirely his own. Even more troublesome — if Cashill is right — is who did the writing. Obama’s association with Ayers was well known before, but this would tie them even tighter. Like Cashill says, “That Obama had anything to do with this man should disqualify him for the presidency.” Amen. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the mainstream media to look into the relationship, or “Dreams” authorship.
Update: Well, whaddyaknow. The media is actually picking up on this story, if only a little. Governor Sarah Palin is hammering away at the Obama/Ayers connection, and finally getting some traction with media elites who are still glassy-eyed about Obama. Jack Cashill wrote an excellent piece on American Thinker last week that strengthens the case even more. This and the unearthing of some real proof of Obama’s ties to the Socialist “New Party”… Plenty of ammunition for McCain to drive this guy into the exile he deserves. But first we’ve got to convince McCain to take off the gloves and hammer Obama like there’s no tomorrow.
This afternoon, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) announced that he planned to suspend his campaign for a time so he can return to Washington to do what he can to deal with the ongoing national financial crisis, and has suggested to his opponent, Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) that he do the same, and that they agree to postpone the debate scheduled for Friday. After all, dealing with the potential $700 billion encumbrance is what the voters of their respective states have hired them to do.
Obama has decided to take the low road, essentially saying that he can deal with this issue while campaigning and preparing for the debate, which he’s not willing to postpone. Sounds like something an ornery, self-centered teenager would do; like he’s saying, “No problem. I can do it all. What’s the matter, Old Man? Can’t handle it?” All the while missing the point that it’s not about him, it’s about the country. My guess to the real reason he isn’t eager to go back to DC? He figures he hasn’t done much of anything there in his two years as Senator; why start now?
It’s not that McCain can’t campaign and do the debate and deal with the bailout legislation, it’s that he recognizes there are higher priorities than who will get the upper hand in the campaign this week. Obama’s attitude in regard to the debate is that “people need to hear from the person who in approximately 40 days will be responsible for dealing with this mess.” Note to Sentator Obama; the election is in 40-some days. If you win, you don’t get the keys until January 20.
I have high hopes that come November voters will see past Obama’s bluster and recognize his immaturity and narcissistic tendencies, and will overwhelmingly reject him as President.
All that said, I hope that this legislation goes down in flames. The last thing we need is another $700 billion in debt, going to fund an ever larger bureaucracy with too few restrictions on how that money is to be spent. Little more than “financial socialism”, as Senator Jim Bunning (R-KY) so aptly put it. Let the market make it’s own corrections; it’ll be tough in the short term, but the long-term results will be worth it.
The big buzz phrase in the Obama campaign this week is, “Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer, and Pontious Pilate was a governor.” Some enterprising individual has even gone so far as to make a lapel button with the slogan on it. Cute, and impressive, eh?
If only these bozos knew how far they were sticking their feet down their throats…
First off, Jesus was not a “community organizer”, whatever that is. I’m still a little fuzzy on what exactly a community organizer (CO) does — Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote a piece at American Thinker last week about the history of community organizers; according to her a CO is essentially a political rabble-rouser, working to get people up in arms enough for government officials to take note of their plight long enough to throw some money their way. Granted, Kyle-Anne is probably a little biased against Obama, so I sought out & found another opinion that was biased in the other direction that described the CO as someone who helped people who had recently lost jobs “recover and get the services they needed — job training, help with housing and so forth — from the local government.” And if you look at the things Barack Obama says he did as a CO, it was basically trying to get funding for this project or that (unfortunately for him, most of the projects he took on have since failed miserably.) If either one is even a little bit accurate I rather doubt you could describe Jesus role in his earthly ministry in that way.
But it’s more than a little insulting to even suggest that Jesus’ mission on earth was to be a political rabble-rouser, or even just here to help beggars beg a little more efficiently. Jesus was concerned with the well-being of the people he ministered to, but that was not his primary mission. I wrote about this very thing not long ago in reference to Obama’s alleged Christian faith;
… most people seek to follow Jesus’ example in order to earn their way to heaven. The problem for most is they only make a cursory examination of Jesus’ ministry on earth. Looking closer at Jesus’ ministry reveals that while he eased the suffering of a lot of people by healing them and relieving them of demon possession, that was not his primary focus. A good example of this is found in Mark 1:23-39 depicting a day at the beginning of Jesus ministry. In this passage, he ends his first day in Capernaum by healing many who were sick and casting demons out of many others. The next day, he got up “very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed.” When the disciples finally rolled out of bed, Jesus was nowhere to be found.
Mark’s Gospel doesn’t say it in so many words, but I’m sure the disciples were awakened by the sounds of a gathering crowd; a crowd who had heard about the previous nights’ events and had come to be healed or to have demons cast out. I can imagine the people clamoring for the help they knew they could receive from Jesus, and the disciples looking all over the place for him while trying to placate the crowd… “I’m sure he’ll be back any minute!” When they finally found him, “Everyone is looking for you.” Likely they were more than a little anxious to get him back so that he could start work again, because surely, that was what he had come for.
But Jesus had other plans; “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also, for that is why I came out.” There was still work to be done in Capernaum, and Jesus knew it. But instead of continuing with that work, he went “throughout all Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and casting out demons.” He knew there were others who were seeking relief, but if that’s what his ministry was all about, don’t you think he would’ve stayed? Christ didn’t ignore the sick and needy, but neither were they his primary focus.
Pundits on the right regularly mock Obama as the “messiah” (small ‘m’), and this new slogan — from the left of all places — only reinforces that mockery, and those using it make themselves out to be even bigger fools by using it. The trouble is, many on the left must really think of Obama as their savior, here to rescue the world from sure destruction at the hands of the evil Republicans and their Big Business cohorts, and their devotion to him is nothing less than fanatical. And their devotion to him has served to give Obama quite the ego as well, but from the sound of things, he had a pretty good start on that long before his bid for the Presidency.
And it doesn’t stop there; the slogan also tries to equate Sarah Palin with Pontius Pilate. How ridiculous.
First off, with this statement they unwittingly recognize and admit that Sarah Palin is a threat to Obama. That is the one thing that they’re right about; since the Republican National Convention, the buzz has been all about Sarah, and the bounce in the polls from that convention has been huge. Every imagined controversy that comes up involving Sarah just gives her more time in the spotlight, eclipsing the pathetic Obama even more.
But it gets even better because Pilate didn’t really have a grievance against Jesus, it was the Jewish priests who dragged Jesus in front of Pilate, trying to force him to kill this rabble-rouser (yes, they didn’t get it either.) Pilate wanted nothing to do with it, so he washed his hands of the situation and told them Jesus was their problem. Pilate was no hero, but neither was he the scoundrel the left now wants to make him out to be.
So all in all, this is just another pathetically weak attempt to boost Barack Obama by denigrating Sarah Palin and John McCain. But in the process they are only making themselves out to be the fools they are. Funny how that works, isn’t it?
I’m sitting here watching Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican National Convention, and she has done an amazing job. She was bold, confident, articulate, yet down-to-earth. In a word — Impressive. Very impressive. And tough. She describes herself as a “hockey mom”, and says that “the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull — lipstick.”
When she was first announced as McCain’s choice as Vice Presidential candidate, I knew nothing about her. I assumed, as many probably did, that his choice was a shallow one. That he picked her first because she’s a woman and that she’s got looks on her side. But in the days since, she has more than proven herself to be up to the task. She’s got a solid record of leadership and reform in her home state of Alaska. She and her family are far from perfect, but she’s real enough to make it known that she isn’t in politics for the perks and the notoriety; she’s in it to get things done.
The left and the media have made a big deal over some of the warts that have been dug up regarding her family; that her daughter is pregnant, that her husband was picked up for DWI (24 years ago). Things like that just show that she’s real, that she’s familiar with the tough things that regular people face every day; shows that she is regular people. Her critics also think that she’s too busy as a mother of five to serve as VP, that she’s too inexperienced to be VP. But the more they insult her, she becomes a more likable candidate to me. And to many, many others.
John McCain shocked many today by announcing that his pick for VP is Sarah Palin. A woman! Palin is currently serving as the governor of Alaska, and in the minds of many conservatives, is an excellent pick. I’d go so far as to say that with her as VP, they are an unbeatable team, especially against a lightweight like Obama.
From what I’ve heard of her, Palin is an excellent candidate for the Republican Party in her own right. She is as pro-life and pro-family as they come; she & her husband have five kids, the youngest of which is less than a year old and has Down’s Syndrome. She’s got a record of standing up against the corrupt political machine in Alaska. She’s got experience in executive roles, both in politics and in business. I could go on…
But the reason that the McCain/Palin ticket is going to walk all over team Obama/O’Biden is that Palin is a woman. The Democrat leadership is going to be in a tizzy over this, because many voters who supported Hillary (mostly women) primarily because she’s a woman are likely to throw their support to McCain/Palin. Add to that the massive amount of disgruntlement among Democrats who supported Hillary and are disappointed with Obama… Why even hold an election?
But… It doesn’t stop there though. I remember hearing that many women base their choices between two male political candidates on looks; which one is more handsome. Given that, men tend to be even more shallow than women (of course, that doesn’t apply to me) so it’s likely that many men will make their choice the same way. And in that respect, McCain hit a home run with Sarah… Even at 44 she is a babe. And she is by far better looking than either Barack or Joe.
Sarah's Official Photo, Miss Alaska Photo
So, what do you say? Should we just call the election and put John & Sarah in office right away? I for one could do without the campaign.
I just bumped into another great site,
Americans are feeling angry, appalled, defeated, and invisible. Often we hear our neighbors and friends remark they are not going to vote because their vote does not count. If you are feeling disenfranchised by your party, the DNC, or by the news media it is time for you to take a stand. On this site you will find numerous Grass Root Movements of people like yourself fighting for change. Find one that speaks to you, spend some time posting to Blogs, and talk to your neighbors and friends. Every vote counts and each voice will be heard. Get involved America. No one has the right to tell you what candidate to support or how to vote.
So far they have no less than 485 sites linked on the front page that focus on defeating Barack Obama in November. And it appears to be mostly Democrats leading the charge. I wonder if there’s ever been a political candidate with so much animosity directed at him, from his own party no less.
So maybe George has only a short time longer to live with his ignominy.
Kyle-Anne Shiver has written another brilliant piece about Barack Obama over at American Thinker; in her morning prayers she thanks “God for the emergence of Barack Obama. Not because my hope is in Obama, but because my hope is always, unequivocally in God.”
While I can’t say that I’ve thanked God for BHO any time lately (like, never), and only hope for his defeat this November, I can see the logic and wisdom in Kyle-Anne’s words. It’s so clear that Obama isn’t fit for the Presidency — and becoming clearer every day — that there really isn’t any choice to be made come election day. He is not just an empty suit, he is The Empty Suit with an empty resume. And that’s one reason to be thankful for him — that the choice will be so easy for so many Americans.
Unfortunately, there is a sizable number who cannot see past his flowery yet empty speeches to the shallowness of the doomed promises he makes, and will cast their votes for him anyway. That’s too bad.
I could go on about this, but will just encourage you to just read Kyle-Anne’s column. Another good one to read is from last month, where she asserts that the coming election could be a landslide, with Obama on the losing end. (Link) I happen to think that might come true. And so does George McGovern. How else can you explain McGovern’s early support of Obama unless he secretly hopes that Obama will take away his shame by losing even bigger than he did back in 1972.
I read something interesting today that Barack Obama said in an interview with Katie Couric; the short of it is, he wants to be President pretty badly, yet he admitted in this interview that he’s not fit for the job.
Couric: You reportedly chaff when your foreign policy expertise is questioned. If foreign policy is not your weakest area of expertise, what is?
Obama: Well, you know, I … the last time I was asked a question what my biggest weakness was, I said …
Couric: You were disorganized.
Obama: …I was disorganized. This ended up becoming a big political issue. You see … we need somebody who’s organized in the White House.
So there you have it. He says that the guy in the Oval Office needs to be organized, and he admits in the same breath that he is not.
Yet another reason to vote against Barack H. Obama.