Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

Give Me Liberty, And Enough With The Debt Already!

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Today is April 15, Tax Day here in the USA, and I just returned from the local Tax Day Tea Party held at Covell Lake. It was pretty inspiring to see how many people turned out for it; it was announced from the podium that there was an estimated 3,500 in attendance, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were more. I wish I’d thought to take a camera along, but…

The speaker at the podium (I have no idea who it was) said that the rally was truly a grass-roots effort, tied to no political party, and as such there were no politicians who would be speaking at the event. I had to cheer for that because as much as I loathe what is happening through the Obama Administration, the last few years with George W. Bush in office weren’t much better. Politics in America is sick, and in dire need of a cure. I hope that these Tea Parties will be the beginning of that cure.

I’m sure that President Obama is sitting on his throne in the Oval Office thinking how silly it all is, because he’s already put the fix in so the middle class gets a bigger refund and has less taken out of their checks for FICA. And besides, he’s only doing it to fix the mess that was left for him by the previous administration. I take issue with the current situation for two reasons: One, the problem isn’t with the now, it’s when the bill comes due. Congress and the President have passed this so-called “Stimulus Package” that obligates us, our children and grandchildren for money that’s to be spent right now on things that we as a country would do better without. And forecasts say that this is only the first round of such spending, and obligation, and the debt being heaped upon the backs of future Americans. The burden of that debt will increase taxes, and will make all of us less free when that debt comes due. And when you think of who it is that owns that debt, it makes you wonder.

Secondly, as one of the speakers at today’s Tea Party so aptly put it, it is “taxation without deliberation”; more accurately, it is taxation and obligation without deliberation. Obama’s “Stimulus Package” was so huge and ramrodded through the House & Senate so fast that the legislation wasn’t even read by most of the people voting on it. Obama told them all that the need was so urgent that there wasn’t time for all that; they just needed to get it passed. And with the majorities in the House & Senate in lock-step with him, it was done, and done without all that pesky debate that brings up so many unpleasant things that they’d rather not focus on.

As the Tea Parties across the country draw millions of people, the President is going to get in front of his teleprompter and lie to us once again, saying his plan is for the best and everything will be alright. He’ll pooh-pooh all who took part in the mock tea dumpings and tell us that his plan is already working to make things better for the middle-class. I have to admit that my tax return is larger this year than I expected, but that doesn’t change the fact that my employer is being hit harder by taxes and as a result has decided against adding equipment and capacity and personnel this year. And he is most assuredly not the only one in this country who has made that decision.

So there are a half-dozen or so people that might have had an opportunity at a better job at a great small business, but won’t. And there are several companies that build equipment that might have had an opportunity to sell us the equipment and services and consumables to put that new equipment to work, but won’t. And it’s all in the name of what President Obama sees as an ‘unfairness’ in the capitalistic economic system that made this country great.

Dealing With The Demented

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

I just heard on the radio that the Obama Administration plans to conduct high-level talks with the Iranians. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised; he said he’d do as much during a campaign debate. Hoping that he wasn’t serious was just a little too much to hope for I guess. Or maybe he wasn’t serious, but has since decided that he needs to stick to all his campaign promises, regardless of how ridiculous.

I’m curious though; where do you go when dealing with a regime that has made clear their desire to wipe Israel off the map, and is very likely pursuing nuclear weapons so they can do just that? I can just about hear the exchange…

Hillary: Ok, Mr. Ahmadinejad; your demand for the annihilation of the State of Israel is just too much. You’re going to have to make some compromises!
Ahmadinejad: Oh, ok… How about we just go for decimation instead of annihilation? Would your President go for that?

Rush Limbaugh To Speak At Sojourners Event?

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

I just got this by email this afternoon:

In an inspiring display of bipartisan bridge-building, talk radio personality Rush Limbaugh has accepted Jim Wallis’ invitation to deliver a keynote address at Sojourners’ Mobilization to End Poverty conference in April.

“I’ve always said the monologue of the extreme right is over, and a new dialogue has begun,” said Wallis. “Well, that dialogue is about to get a whole lot louder.”

Bipartisan bridge-building? Whatever. This was a shock to me. But then, I remembered what day it was. Wow; did I get snookered with that! Look at me, the classic April Fool.

I’ve been working on a post about the Sojourners for a while now, and I suppose this is as good an opportunity to finish it up as any. I bumped into the Sojourners a while back and subscribed to their newsletter emailing list out of curiosity. From what I’ve read in those newsletters and on their website, saying that the Sojourners politics is left of center is a gross understatement. Their mission is based on what they call ‘social justice’, and they talk a lot about ending poverty, with seemingly no qualms about employing the government to make it happen. The tone of their newsletters has been next to giddy ever since Obama won the Presidency, presumably because Sojourners sees Obama as one of their own; a leftist determined to even the score between the have’s and the have-not’s in this country through some sort of government-imposed income redistribution.

I would take issue with the Sojourners for that alone, but it doesn’t stop there; they couch their program in Christian jargon, as if Jesus’ mission for Christians was to eliminate poverty through any means possible, including confiscatory taxes on the so-called ‘wealthy’ so the wealth can be “spread around”.

And that’s what really made me wonder what was behind Rush Limbaugh speaking at their big event. Of course, it was just a gag, complete with a hacked version of Limbaugh’s CPAC “national address” from earlier this year, reworded to have Rush mouthing the words that tickle their ears.

I’ve talked about this subject before; Jesus’ primary mission while on this Earth wasn’t to feed the poor or heal the sick or make the lame whole. He was here to save all of Mankind and to bring atonement for our sins. Did he feed the poor and heal the sick and make the lame whole? Sure. But he didn’t focus on that, and neither should we. Especially if doing that involves stealing what some people have rightfully earned so that we can, as our now-President so eloquently put it, “spread the wealth around”.

Barack: Becoming A Caracature Of Himself

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Just yesterday I wrote the bit about Obama and his teleprompter, then today I hear a story that only reinforces the joke;

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen was just a few paragraphs into an address at a St. Patrick’s Day celebration at the White House when he realized something sounded way too familiar. Turns out, he was repeating the speech President Barack Obama had just given.

Cowen was set to speak twice at the White House on Tuesday night because there were two different parties going on at the executive mansion. No matter — he would give the same speech to the two different audiences.

But Cowen was 20 seconds into his second address when it dawned on him that he was giving word for word the speech that Obama had just read from the same teleprompter.

Cowen stopped and looked back at the president to say, “That’s your speech.”

Obama laughed and returned to the podium to offer what might have been Cowen’s remarks. In doing so, President Obama thanked President Obama for inviting everyone over.

I couldn’t help but laugh at that when I heard it. Oh how I would love to see the video of that, but so far nothing has shown up on YouTube. I’m guessing that his staff was quite busy yesterday and today scaring up any stray copies of that tape. Given the effectiveness of the Obama Administration thus far, I’d say that video ought to hit the ‘net aaaaannnnny minute now.

“My Teleprompter Made Me Do It”

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

It’s been a while since I had a chance to tune in to the Rush Limbaugh Show over my lunch hour, but had a chance to listen in the other day. Predictably, he had a lot to say about President Obama, but instead of leading off with something like, “Obama said…”, he kept referring to things that “Obama’s teleprompter told him to say”. I had to laugh out loud at that, because it is so dead-on accurate. Lately it seems that Obama is never seen speaking in public without his teleprompter in place, probably just to keep him on script. Without it, the things he says reflect more of what he believes and what he intends to do during his term, which is more than what he and his handlers want the public to know about. He says what’s displayed for him to say, kinda like a puppet on a string. Or maybe a more like a dog on a leash.

Since the campaign that wouldn’t end, people have been saying that Obama is such a gifted politician and speaker, but that’s something I have failed to see in him. What I see is someone who can spout lines on screen pretty well, but the content that he’s spouting is pretty pedestrian, much less ‘inspiring’. Take away his scripted lines, and he ahhs… and ummms… and stutters worse than I do, which is saying something. And I can’t help but agree with Rush when he criticizes the President for failing to use his speaking ability to inspire the American people. Seems that every time he makes a nationally televised address, the Dow Jones drops a few hundred points, and people become more fearful of what the next four years will bring.

Only 3 years & 309 days left… Will the country last that long? God help us all.

“Blinded By Envy And Ignorance”

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Here’s a quote that was included in yesterday’s Patriot Post that I thought was very poignant, considering the so-called ‘stimulus’ package that’s being foisted on us by Congress.

[P]eople do not ask for socialism because they know that socialism will improve their conditions, and they do not reject capitalism because they know that it is a system prejudicial to their interests. They are socialists because they believe that socialism will improve their conditions, and they hate capitalism because they believe that it harms them. They are socialists because they are blinded by envy and ignorance.
Economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973)

I fully recognize that the United States has been slouching toward socialism for a long, long time, and the last few years with George W. Bush at the helm hasn’t slowed that trend. But with Barack Obama and the current crop of Democrats leading both houses of Congress, I fear that things will accelerate in the next four years.

Historically, I think the growing socialistic nanny state in the US has continued to grow because it can readily feed off of the private sector. But if we as a country continue down that road with more and more money from businesses and the ‘wealthy’ being redistributed, something is going to break. And it’s not going to be pretty.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Tom Daschle

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Wow; what can you say about a politician whose image is that of the mild-mannered, clean-cut do-gooder who is picked for a top Cabinet slot in the Obama Administration, only to pull out because he somehow forgot to mention in his tax returns that he’d received a gift of a limo and driver from a “business partner”? That little oversight saved him from paying about $125,000 in taxes (any guesses on the dollar value of that gift?) and now that it’s come to light, pretty much ended his political career. Too bad it’s about a decade or so too late.

Daschle’s PR people somehow got it into the heads of way too many people that he’s a ‘common-sense’, ‘regular guy’ ‘consensus-builder’, reaching across the Senate aisle to make buddies with the opposition in order to get things done. All of it is a crock of you-know-what; he was a partisan hack from the get-go, and it’s just sad that it’s taken this long for the realization of how duplicitous he’s been all these years to dawn on everyone.

The black eye that Daschle is getting in the media right now is just desserts as far as I’m concerned. That nice guy driving his rusty Oldsmobile instead of being chauffeured in a limo simply never existed.

I just thought of something; what would happen if you looked up the license plate number of that Oldsmobile? AJA 853 — Was it actually registered in Daschle’s name? I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if it belonged to some low-level staffer. Not sure if you could look something like that up 20 years after the fact, but it’d be interesting to find out.

I first noticed Daschle’s duplicity back in 1992 or so; I was a registered Democrat back then, and had even voted for Daschle a time or two. But I started to pay more attention to politics about that time, and noticed that Tom’s words and actions didn’t always align very well; ditto with Bill Clinton. All of that helped me to examine more closely what the two parties really stood for, and to examine more closely the people representing both parties. When I first registered at age 18, I really didn’t know what I was doing and picked the Democrats in part because I liked the sound of ‘progressive’ and ‘liberal’ (and also because I thought Mom & Dad voted Republican), but in examining things more closely I discovered that my beliefs and convictions were more in line with the Republicans than the Democrats, and the Democrats were led by some people of pretty questionable character. The Republican leadership, while not perfect, was definitely better in my judgement, so I switched boats and have never looked back. I’ve since looked around at other parties, but for now the Republicans best represent what I hold to be true.

Color me disappointed; disappointed that it took this long for light to shine on Daschle’s true nature. But it puts me in an even deeper funk over what’s to come with the Obama Administration. God help us all.

History Schmistory

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009

Barack Hussein Obama was crowned inaugurated as President of the United States today. Many in the news media, who should be a little more objective about the event, breathlessly talk of this “historic event” and gush over how wonderful it is. Sure, it’s historic in that we have a black skinned man in the highest office in the land, just a few short decades out of some of the ugly history of racism…

But what makes this presidency so wonderful?

Wonderful that so many people cast uninformed votes and elected a man largely because of the color of his skin? Wonderful that Obama has so many questionable associations that still get ignored by the fawning media? Wonderful that Obama still hasn’t provided solid proof of his purported US citizenship, driving us toward a potential Constitutional crisis? Wonderful that Obama has a radically socialist agenda for our country, and wonderful that when parts of his agenda fail miserably he’ll have a scapegoat at the ready in President Bush and the economic troubles inherited from his Presidency?

Wonderful that we’re blowing $170 million on a big party to swear him in, and there’s hardly a peep in the news complaining about it (in stark contrast to the fallout over Bush’s $40-something million ceremony four years ago)? Wonderful that before taking the oath of office he’s already talking about pushing another $700 Billion economic stimulus plan through Congress?

I could go on, but it’s just too depressing. So depressing that it’s spread to the visual theme for; yes, things got a little darker around here today, and I think the somber mood might have to stick around for the duration of the Obama Administration (if you find yourself offended by that, maybe you can just think of it as being dark in homage to Obama’s skin color.) I won’t be throwing shoes at effigies of Obama like the overgrown children did to a Bush balloon in DC yesterday, but I won’t be throwing any parties either. I will, however, respect the man and the office he holds, and will not take cheap shots at him. How many on the other side could have said that about someone they so vehemently disagree with?

The only thing I can be hopeful for in the next four years is that the strength and resiliency and perseverance of the American people will overcome any damage brought on by changes in economic and social policies effected by the Obama Administration. More importantly, I have hope in life eternal through Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior; with that I am content. I have no need for the savior so many see in President Obama.

The hype surrounding this inauguration — and the afterglow of the campaign hype — is building some great expectations for the Obama Administration. How long will it be before some of Obama’s ardent followers become disenchanted by his failure to live up to their expectations? Following the transition period, I have a feeling that President Obama has a few more insights into some of the things President Bush has done during his administration, and perhaps a more realistic respect for the man. Whether that lasts at all… Well, I’m not very hopeful about that. But I’m ready to change my mind if proven wrong.

You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill

A Little Left Of Centrist

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

I saw this cartoon at American Thinker last week, and thought it fit the situation perfectly. We as a country have just elected another guy who ran as something he is not and has no intention of being. Barack Obama is likely as far left as anyone in Washington, DC, yet he ran not as a leftist, but a centrist. Why? Because he knows he wouldn’t stand a chance of getting elected if he didn’t hide who he really was or what he really wanted for this country.

Actually, the entire ordeal is very reminiscent of 1992, when William Jefferson Clinton became the first President elected without receiving a majority of the votes cast. Clinton’s ride to the White House was marked by claims that he was “a new Democrat”, vowing to work with both sides of Congress to do what’s right for the country. In those days I was admittedly pretty naive politically, and I took him at his word. His word proved to be worth little, as he demonstrated in the coming two years, taking the side of the Democrats and demonizing the Republicans at every turn, especially during the 1994 election cycle. It was then that I more closely examined what I believed was right in the world of politics and compared it against the platforms of both parties; I changed my registration to Republican that year, and haven’t looked back.

Obama isn’t as politically savvy as Clinton, and despite his handlers’ best efforts, managed to show some cracks in his centrist veneer during the campaign, revealing his true ideological identity to be way, way to the left. Of course, that didn’t get much attention in the mainstream press… It would’ve made him look bad, and that’s the last thing they wanted.

Now that he’s won the election, we’re likely to see his true colors. His pick for Chief of Staff is Rahm Emanuel; not exactly known for “reaching across the aisle” unless it’s an attempt to smack a right-winger upside the head. Jon Podesta is working as co-chairman of the transition team; he’s got about as much in common with Congressional Republicans as Obama. If those two are a sign of things to come… Well, it’s only going to get interestinger still.

But still, as a Christian I’m called to pray for those in authority; that’s especially important when I think they’re up to no good. God can work untold miracles even in and through people who are far from him.


Wednesday, November 5th, 2008

“Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm.”

James Madison
Federalist No. 10

May God have mercy on us all.