
Welcome to davintosh. It’s just a collection of stuff that I find interesting and take the time to write about. I offer no guarantees that you’ll find it interesting, or that you’ll agree with me, or that you’ll be entertained. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s just that I’m not very good at reading minds.

But if what I find interesting is also interesting to you, then we must have something in common.

It’d be great if you’d leave a comment to let me know you were here.

One Response to “About…”

  1. Rod Paine says:

    Hi BMW fans, ex-BMW guy Rod Paine here with a short update.
    Now driving a 2019 Audi RS 3 DSG which we bought Jan. 2020 and now at 33k miles of which 24k miles have been fast country back roads runs, that I also ran my E28 BMW on.

    All is fine at my end, but have physically slowed down a bit as I’ll be 82 years old next month. But luckily my health is very good.

    I hope all is good at your end too!

    Best regards,