The NObama Network

I just bumped into another great site,

Americans are feeling angry, appalled, defeated, and invisible. Often we hear our neighbors and friends remark they are not going to vote because their vote does not count. If you are feeling disenfranchised by your party, the DNC, or by the news media it is time for you to take a stand. On this site you will find numerous Grass Root Movements of people like yourself fighting for change. Find one that speaks to you, spend some time posting to Blogs, and talk to your neighbors and friends. Every vote counts and each voice will be heard. Get involved America. No one has the right to tell you what candidate to support or how to vote.

So far they have no less than 485 sites linked on the front page that focus on defeating Barack Obama in November. And it appears to be mostly Democrats leading the charge. I wonder if there’s ever been a political candidate with so much animosity directed at him, from his own party no less.

So maybe George has only a short time longer to live with his ignominy.

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