Thank God For Barack Obama!


Kyle-Anne Shiver has written another brilliant piece about Barack Obama over at American Thinker; in her morning prayers she thanks “God for the emergence of Barack Obama. Not because my hope is in Obama, but because my hope is always, unequivocally in God.”

While I can’t say that I’ve thanked God for BHO any time lately (like, never), and only hope for his defeat this November, I can see the logic and wisdom in Kyle-Anne’s words. It’s so clear that Obama isn’t fit for the Presidency — and becoming clearer every day — that there really isn’t any choice to be made come election day. He is not just an empty suit, he is The Empty Suit with an empty resume. And that’s one reason to be thankful for him — that the choice will be so easy for so many Americans.

Unfortunately, there is a sizable number who cannot see past his flowery yet empty speeches to the shallowness of the doomed promises he makes, and will cast their votes for him anyway. That’s too bad.

I could go on about this, but will just encourage you to just read Kyle-Anne’s column. Another good one to read is from last month, where she asserts that the coming election could be a landslide, with Obama on the losing end. (Link) I happen to think that might come true. And so does George McGovern. How else can you explain McGovern’s early support of Obama unless he secretly hopes that Obama will take away his shame by losing even bigger than he did back in 1972.

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