Just Desserts

Earlier today I saw this video made by some self-righteous jerk as he harassed a poor Chick-fil-A drive-through girl… Tonight word is out that his actions cost him his job.

Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A. Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company.
The actions of Mr. Smith do not reflect our corporate values in any manner. Vante is an equal opportunity company with a diverse workforce, which holds diverse opinions. We respect the right of our employees and all Americans to hold and express their personal opinions, however, we also expect our company officers to behave in a manner commensurate with their position and in a respectful fashion that conveys these values of civility with others.
We hope that the general population does not hold Mr. Smith’s actions against Vante and its employees.

I’m not one to express joy over another’s misfortunes, but I don’t think this counts as misfortune. I don’t care how much this guy disagreed with Dan Cathy’s stance on homosexuality, he had no business taking his misplaced frustrations out on poor Rachel, the woman in the drive-thru window. Rachel’s response to his tirade was perfect; the CEO’s views in no way affect how Chick-fil-A’s customers or employees are treated. She did just as she should have, politely told him it wasn’t proper for her to have a discussion like that on the job, and that it was making her uncomfortable; she put him in his place and sent him — politely — on his way. Good for her.

And good for Vante for putting this guy in his place.

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