Political Blackmail

I was listening to the radio while running errands today, and the news was just breaking that Donald Trump was endorsing Mitt Romney for the RNC Presidential nomination. The news reporter added that if Romney were to get the nomination the The Donald said he wouldn’t run as a third-party candidate…

Lovely; now we have a big-haired celebrity type telling us that if Romney isn’t elected he just might jump in as a third-party spoiler. Trump would have a snowball’s chance in hell of actually winning, but him being in the race would certainly give us a repeat of what Ross Perot did in 1992 and 1996 — the Republican vote would be effectively split, and that would guaran-damn-tee another four years of Barack Obama.

A yet again there is very little to like in the people running for the Republican nod this cycle; of the four left in the race, Romney is the one I like the least. That said, any one of them is certain to do better than the current Oval Office occupant. I fear though that a Romney Administration will be about as successful in advancing conservative policy as that of George W. Bush… Not very.

Whoever gets the nod, here is one post-campaign* promise I’d like to hold President Obama to:

* almost forgot; with him the campaigning never ended.

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