Kyle – age 13

This last summer, the adult fellowship/Sunday school class we attend went through The Truth Project, which is a 13 lesson, DVD-based program taught by Dr. Del Tackett that helps to equip believers with a comprehensive biblical worldview.

The Truth Project is a great program, but one of the really striking things is the kid that’s featured in many of the interviews in the program, identified only as “Kyle, age 13.” Kyle has some funny affectations in his speech, but what stands out is his answers to the questions; he seems wise beyond his years, giving answers that would be more likely to come from a college professor than a 13 year old kid.

Turns out that Kyle is actually Kyle West, a kid with cerebral palsey, has some special giftedness, and has been used by God to teach so-called normal people some things about our worth in the sight of God that should be evident, but are often missed. Here are a few videos produced by that feature Kyle and his story; a very amazing story.

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