Oh, The Irony…

Bad-news stories usually don’t faze me, but when I heard this story on the radio this morning, I nearly cried:

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – A Sioux Falls man is accused of tying up and beating his girlfriend after discovering she had used the Internet to research how to leave an abusive relationship.
Police spokesman Sam Clemens says 20-year-old Jose Sanchez allegedly tied up the 18-year-old woman with a belt and electrical wire and then beat her for about 20 minutes before she persuaded him to take her to a hospital.
The Argus Leader reports that a judge set bond for Sanchez at $10,000 on charges of aggravated assault, kidnapping and interference with emergency communications.
KELO-AM News — Wednesday, February 23rd 2011 12:39pm

Good Lord; how could Jose not see the irony in what he was doing? In cases like this, the judicial system could save itself a lot of time and money by relieving the offender of two bits of his anatomy; one swipe of a knife delivers punishment and ‘cure’. Geldings tend to be much gentler.

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