Dealing With The Demented

I just heard on the radio that the Obama Administration plans to conduct high-level talks with the Iranians. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised; he said he’d do as much during a campaign debate. Hoping that he wasn’t serious was just a little too much to hope for I guess. Or maybe he wasn’t serious, but has since decided that he needs to stick to all his campaign promises, regardless of how ridiculous.

I’m curious though; where do you go when dealing with a regime that has made clear their desire to wipe Israel off the map, and is very likely pursuing nuclear weapons so they can do just that? I can just about hear the exchange…

Hillary: Ok, Mr. Ahmadinejad; your demand for the annihilation of the State of Israel is just too much. You’re going to have to make some compromises!
Ahmadinejad: Oh, ok… How about we just go for decimation instead of annihilation? Would your President go for that?

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