Light Pillars Over Sioux Falls

I had some after-hours stuff to do at work last night, so was there until about 1am, and got quite a show of light pillars on the way home.

I don’t know the exact weather ingredients necessary for light pillars to show up, but it had rained/sleeted/snowed a bit earlier in the day, then the temperature had dropped from the mid-20’s to around 0°F, and there wasn’t a breath of wind at that time of night. These pillars of light were all around and in all different colors; it was just breathtaking.

Of course, I didn’t have my camera with me, but drove home, grabbed it, and went back out to try my hand at capturing the effect. I’m afraid didn’t do a very good job, but with a little time in Photoshop I was able to tweak the image a bit and ended up with a reasonable facsimile. Of course it doesn’t do justice to what I saw last night, but for that you’ll have to be on the lookout yourself!

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