My No-Year’s Resolutions

Since my track record for keeping past New Year’s Resolutions has been pretty poor — I usually end up headed in the opposite direction of what I resolve to do — I thought this year I’d maybe try a little reverse psychology. Maybe I’ll actually get where I want to go.

So, I hereby resolve to…

  1. Gain weight. I’m thinking at least 40 pounds. Just more of me to love, right?
  2. Not even think about exercising. I’d resolve to quit exercising, but I can’t very well stop if I’m not doing it in the first place. Total waste of time.
  3. Read less, and I’ll hide my Bible. Quiet time? Devotions? Spiritual disciplines? Who needs them?
  4. Watch more TV. I might even break down and get cable. From what people at work talk about, I’ve been missing some good stuff.
  5. Procrastinate more. Then again, maybe I’ll wait & do that next year.
  6. Take up a new habit: Maybe drinking. And smoking would be good too. And as long as I’m at it, I’ll start hitting the casinos.
  7. Spend more time at work.
  8. Spend less time with the wife & kids. That only deepen any emotional attachment to them, which interferes with #7.
  9. Take a vacation to someplace important: like to see the largest ball of twine.
  10. Stop going home for lunch or bringing a sack lunch to work: We all need to do our part for stimulating the economy, and fast food restaurants play an important role in that, right?
  11. Quit giving money & time to charity. It’s time to let someone else develop character in that way.
  12. Sell my car and buy a mid-’70’s Camaro or Monte Carlo with a really loud stereo system, mag wheels, air shocks and wide tires in back. I’ll also need to grow a mullet to complete the image.
  13. Shower and change clothes once a week, whether I need it or not. A guy has to do his part to to reduce water usage.
  14. Cash out my 401k accounts. The markets are going nowhere fast, and just think of the fun I could have with all that money.
  15. Stay up later still every night. Think of all the late-night TV and web browsing I can get done instead of sleeping. Most days at work I feel like I’m spinning wheels anyway, so showing up half asleep shouldn’t affect a thing productivity-wise.

Well, that should pretty much do it. Here’s hoping I keep a perfect track record. Of failing to achieve what I resolve to do.

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