Obama says, “Vote For The Other Guy”


I read something interesting today that Barack Obama said in an interview with Katie Couric; the short of it is, he wants to be President pretty badly, yet he admitted in this interview that he’s not fit for the job.

Couric: You reportedly chaff when your foreign policy expertise is questioned. If foreign policy is not your weakest area of expertise, what is?

Obama: Well, you know, I … the last time I was asked a question what my biggest weakness was, I said …

Couric: You were disorganized.

Obama: …I was disorganized. This ended up becoming a big political issue. You see … we need somebody who’s organized in the White House.

So there you have it. He says that the guy in the Oval Office needs to be organized, and he admits in the same breath that he is not.

Yet another reason to vote against Barack H. Obama.

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