The King Of Unfinished Projects

Yes, that’s me alright. I love to take on a new project, and am just as ready to set it aside to start the next one.

That’s true not only in my home improvement projects, my bike projects, my automotive projects, my work projects, etc… It also holds true right here on my WordPress blog. Right now I’ve got 50 posts that I’ve started, worked on a bit (some more, some less) and have abandoned. 50 of them. That’s pretty pathetic.

So my new project(!) is to clear out some of the dead wood from my pile of WordPress drafts. The first of that group was the ebike post that went up this weekend; I started that particular post back in October or November. Seven months to complete a post is really pathetic.

Some of them I will have likely lost interest in (obviously), and others have more than likely become out of date and wouldn’t make sense to finish up & post. At any rate, I hope to have some slightly fresh content gracing this collection of 1’s and 0’s in the very near future.

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