A Strange Way To Sell Water Heaters

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh while running some errands this afternoon, and had to laugh out loud at how he closed the conversation with one of his callers… With what sounded like an off-the-cuff plug for one of his advertisers.


He was talking with a guy named Sean, and just before letting him go, he asked him about his water heater. Talk about random. Sean said that he was having trouble with his, then Rush went on to extoll the virtues of the tankless water heaters sold by one of his sponsors. It was just a little surreal. And searching on his site reveals that today wasn’t the first time.

I think Rush is great. He’s smart, he’s funny, and he is so dead-on on so many subjects. And while I have to cringe a little with the ads that Rush voices himself, the advertising is totally understandable. But for him to be throwing in endorsements in this way is downright corny. And it just feels… Wrong.

Please Rush. There’s got to be a better way.

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