Flying Dreams

I’m just a little disappointed. But I guess but not terribly surprised.

Last night I dreamt of flying. It doesn’t happen often, but often enough that I look forward to it. In my dream, it usually happens that I’m walking down the street or sidewalk or wherever, and usually feeling frustrated that I don’t seem to be moving as fast as I ought to. I try to run but feel like I’m in water or mud, and no matter how hard I push, I don’t get very far.

Then it dawns on me; I’ll just fly. I kick off from the ground, and flying is like swimming except I can breathe and I can move pretty rapidly. I sail through the air, over treetops and houses, wherever I like. It’s a blast.

Today I decided I’d write about it a little, but did a little Google-based research first, and find that flying dreams are everywhere. Well, not exactly everywhere, but I’m certainly not the only one experiencing them. And lots of the sites I found link flying dreams to various strange Freudian diagnoses for flying dreams. That’s what’s disappointing, that lots of people have them. Not terribly surprising, just a little disappointing.

But I don’t care. I just dig the flying, even if I know it’s only a dream.

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