Foolish Disbelief


FFH has a song called “One of These Days“. The lyrics talk about how things will be different “one of these days” when we get to heaven…

One of these days I’m gonna fly
Over the mountain
One of these days I’m gonna ride
On the silver lining
One of these days I’m gonna witness
All I’ve been missing
One of these days

A line in the last stanza of the song really hit me this morning…

One of these days I’ll finally be
In a place where there’s no more need
No more pain and no more grief
No more foolish disbelief
And all the joy there will be
When at last we finally see
One of these days

When we reach heaven, so much will be made plain, so much that’s misunderstood will be explained.

A lot of people take reject Christianity — and God — because things don’t work the way they think things should work, or because of some bad experience they’ve had with a particular person or church, or worse; because of the bad experience someone else had and shared with them. They accept falsehood as truth without fully understanding, and dismiss Truth… foolishly. I did it for years, and probably still do to some degree.

While I don’t know exactly what the writer of that song meant for that line to mean, disbelief based on false assumptions is what I’d call “foolish disbelief”. We now see things imperfectly through eyes of flesh, but then, “then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” All things will be made clear, and all our questions will be answered. We will see things as God wants us to see them; not the colored by our experiences and narrow field of vision. We will see Truth, and foolish disbelief will be banished.

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