The Singing Highway


Here’s something interesting; grooves cut in the pavement on a dangerous highway make the tires “sing”, and help keep drivers alert. It’s called The Singing Highway in South Korea. Very cool!

I’ve thought of something like this; there are stretches of road around here that have grooves cut in them to channel water off the pavement, and the pitch varies according to the speed you travel over it. I reasoned that you could also vary the pitch by spacing the grooves differently, and end up with cars singing a tune as they roll over it. The Koreans must be using some long-distance mind scanning technology to steal my ideas. Too bad they weren’t more creative in their choice of a tune; Mary Had A Little Lamb?! I guess the idea was to keep drivers awake, so something annoying fits the bill pretty well.

I can think of lots of more appropriate tunes; what would you use?

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