What the…

Not even sure what to say about this… thing.


I had seen it once before last summer behind the Gas Stop on North Cliff. It had/has a Wisconsin license plate on it, so at that time I thought I’d never see it again. I think this was the thing that made me decide to get a second digital camera so that I could grab a photo of weird stuff like this when the opportunity presented itself. Today, I had the camera, and now I have the photos .

cop_car_1.jpg cop_car_2.jpg

It looks like an old civil defense siren strapped to the top of it. Not sure if there is a purpose for it or if it’s just there for shock value. I do know I’d hate to be in front of it when he cranks it up.

Wonder what kind of gas mileage it gets; that horn can’t help that old Dodge’s aerodynamics a bit.

Edit: Turns out there is a name for it; a Bluesmobile! Apparently there are folks around that feel the need to emulate the cars driven by Jake & Elwood. Go figure. No explanation about the speaker on top though. EDIT: Of course the speaker on top is emulating the speaker used in the movie by Jake & Elwood to get the word out about their concert. Had to watch the movie again to figure that out.

I don’t know that the car I saw in Sioux Falls last week was the same one pictured at the link; the horn is different, the pallet/speaker mount is much different, the markings on the doors are different, the nerf bars are different, and most notably, there are no ropes! So, I guess this could be considered a knockoff of a knockoff!

Thanks to rojisan for the tip!

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