Yahtzee! Score Cards

Yvonne & I played a game of Yahtzee with Caleb this afternoon. That was the first time I’d played a non-computer game of Yahtzee in years, and its funny how different the experience was. With the digitized versions it seems that the roll of the dice isn’t as random as it should be — some numbers tend to come up as multiples more often than they should. Not so with the “analog” game!

The Yahtzee game we have was picked up at a rummage sale a while back, and had a limited number of score sheets in it. Heck, the dice don’t even match each other. I guess you get what you pay for!. While we were playing I got to wondering if anybody had a downloadable file containing the score card. If there is, I sure couldn’t find it. So I made my own. Amazing what you can do with a little time and a copy of Illustrator!

So here is a pdf file of my Yahtzee score card. Not sure what the Milton Bradley people would think of this, but I figure if I’m not making money off of it and not broadcasting its availability hither & yon they shouldn’t have too much to say about it. It’s set up to print on a half sheet of letter-sized paper. If you download it & want to print it, set up the print layout to print two pages per sheet. Should work like a champ.

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