Too much to do…

… so I sit around doing nothing. This seems to be a problem with me; my mental to-do list piles up mightily and my mind just goes into shutdown. I know what I need to do, and know that it will be quite satisfying to get those things done, but the getting started is the hard part.

Today is a gorgeous day in Sioux Falls… mid-60 degrees outside, light breezes & sunshine. No reason for me not to get outside & do some of the outdoors projects around the house.

I picked up the book Getting Things Done by David Allen, which has a great plan for, what else, getting things done. Essentially, it involves developing a system whereby you can keep track of things that need doing, and break those things down into specific tasks. Once broken down thusly, you deal with the specific tasks in bite-sized chunks that don’t overwhelm. The trick as I see it is developing the system to keep track of all that, and using it consistently. I guess I should get around to reading the rest of that book someday.

Also, why in the hey can’t you add categories to WordPress on the fly, like you can in Moveable Type? It’s so annoying to write something like this, and realize after you’re done that there isn’t a category that fits it well, have to save it, go to Manage / Categories, create the appropriate category, then go back to Manage… you get the picture. Such a hassle!

Update: I got off my duff and got some stuff done today — a few repairs to the camper mostly — and that felt pretty good. I do need to get more organized in determining what needs to be done, keeping track of it all so that the press of things to do doesn’t overwhelm me so much.

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